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Reflective Narrative Paper Smell the sea and feel the sky let your soul and spirit fly The waves are crashing the sun is setting and people are laughing as I walk along the water in Goa My all time favorite place is the beach Around when I was ten years old I paid a visit to Goa It is a small state in India known for their beaches Trips to Goa were usually a family bonding and relaxing time The breeze running through my hair the waves hitting my feet while I tried building a sand castle and the seagulls flying through the sky with a very small crowd underneath them carried an essence of peace It was that one time in the year when I enjoyed being with my parents to the fullest and had all of their attention unlike usual when I would have to compete with their office work Over the years I have seen Goa turn into a more crowded place and lose it s calm and peace Now the beaches are polluted with plastics and cans all over It has become a place full of hawkers selling goods and providing services It has gradually yet suddenly turned into a hub for parties and local food vendors walking around the place It is so disheartening to see a place that is so beautiful and peaceful become polluted on this level The first and second picture are representing the contrast that is now Goa

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