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Abnormal Psychology Chapter 1 Past Present Definitons Asylum Humors Trephination Moral Treatment Abnormal Psychology 19th century approach to treating people with mental the scientific study of abnormal behavior in an effort to a procedure designed to change abnormal behavior into an unusual pattern with which others have no right to interfere an ancient operation in which a stone instrument was used to cut according to the Greeks and Romans bodily chemicals that influence describe predict explain and change abnormal patterns of functioning Norms a society s stated and unstated rules for proper conduct Culture a people s common history values institutions habits skills technology and arts Eccentricity Treatment Therapy more normal behavior away a circular section of the skull perhaps to treat abnormal behavior mental and physical functioning yellow bile black bile blood and phlegm a type of institution that first became popular in the 16th century to provide care for individuals with mental disorders Most became virtual prisons dysfunction that emphasized moral guidance and human respectful treatment State Hospitals Somatogenic Perspective physical causes are psychological become extremely suggestible that emphasizes unconscious psychological forces as the cause of psychopathology symptoms of mental dysfunction thousands of patients from public mental hospitals therapist for counseling services Prevention develop interventions aimed at deterring mental disorders before they can the practice begun in the 1960s of releasing hundreds of state run public mental institutions in the United States the view that the chief causes of abnormal functioning drugs that mainly affect the brain and reduce many the view that abnormal psychology functioning has an arrangement in which a person directly pays a Psychotropic Medications Psychogenic Perspective a procedure that places people in a trance like state during which they either the theory or the treatment of abnormal mental functioning Private Psychotherapy Deinstitutionalization Psychoanalysis Hypnotism Positive Psychology Multicultural Psychology the field of psychology that examines the impact of the study and enhancement of positive feelings traits and abilities culture race ethnicity gender and similar factors on our behaviors and thoughts and focuses on how such factors may influence the origin nature and treatment of abnormal behavior Managed Care Program company largely controls the nature scope and cost of medical or psychological services a system of health care coverage in which the insurance Key Concepts What is Psychological Abnormality o 4 Ds of Abnormality i ii iii iv i ii i ii iii i ii iii iv Deviance different extreme unusual bizarre Distress unpleasant upsetting to the individual Dysfunction interference with the individual s ability to conduct daily activities in a constructive way Danger potential harm to the individual or others o Behavior must be considered in the context in which it occurs is the individual s unusual behavior following a major traumatic event abnormality depends on the norms and values of the society in question What is Treatment o therapy typically requires 3 essential features patient therapist series of therapeutic contacts change in the patient s emotional state attitudes and behavior Ancient Abnormality Views Treatments o Greeks Romans 500 B C to 500 A D Hippocrates father of modern medicine believed illness had natural causes abnormal behavior caused by internal physical problems brain pathology imbalance of four fluids humors that flowed through the body yellow bile black bile blood and phlegm v treatment correct underlying physical pathology quiet life balanced diet exercise etc 500 A D to 1350 A D o Europe in the Middle Ages i powerful clergy return to demonological explanations of abnormal behavior time of great stress and anxiety war urban uprisings and plague ii iii mass madness delusions hallucinations lycanthropy iv v exorcisms towns grew into cities govt officials took over nonreligious activities people with mental disorders were treated in hospitals instead of by the clergy o The Renaissance i improvement of treatment for individuals with mental disorders religious shrines became centers for human treatment and healing ii iii mid 16th century hospitals became overpopulated and turned into asylums th Century o 19 i ii iii William Tuke England York Retreat iv again improvements in care for individuals with mental disorders Philippe Pinel Paris started the movement toward moral treatment Dorothea Dix United States movement to ensure legal rights protection for people with mental disorders establishment of state hospitals late 19th century moral treatment disintegrated mental hospitals became warehouses where patients received minimal care th Century Emil Kraepelin general paresis research somatogenic perspective Sigmind Freud psychogenic perspective hypnotism psychoanalysis gained acceptance by clinicians o Early 20 i ii v Current Trends iii significant changes within the past 50 years psychotropic drugs deinstitutionalization outpatient treatment prevention programs multicultural psychology positive psychology

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OSU PSYCH 3313 - Abnormal Psychology

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