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Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psychology 3620 Sect 853 25 and 28 October 2013 Lecture 23 Chapter 10 Powerpoint Attachment is an emotional bond cannot be away from attachment figure miss them too much Goal directed partnership balance between exploring and maintaining a close proximity to attachment figure wiser stronger protector Boeby s thoughts Mary Ainsworth she classified toddlers into four different attachment styles Secure Avoidant Anxious Ambivalent Resistant Disorganized Disoriented Two key ingredients for developing attachments sensitivity and responsiveness Secure comfortable with intimacy and autonomy positive model of self and other Preoccupied preoccupied with relationships insecure with self but loves others society pushes women into this category negative model of self positive model of other Dismissing dismissing of intimacy counterdependent very cocky do not care for relationships society pushes men into this category positive model of self negative model of other Fearful fearful of intimacy socially avoidant disorganized mistreatment neglect child abuse negative model of self and other Lecture 24 Chapter 10 Powerpoint Mental representation of self internal working model of self and other Boeby High levels of negative model of self anxious attachments ambivalent high level of distress worry about being abandoned Low levels of negative model of other avoidant attachments do not trust others self reliant Temperament the general emotional style an individual displays in responding to events Chess and Thomas s types of temperament innate personality Easy positive mood easy adaptation to change and regularity and predictability in patterns of eating sleeping and elimination about of infants with this Difficult more negative mood frustration and intense responses slow adaptation to change and irregular patterns of eating sleeping and elimination 10 15 of infants with this Slow to warm slow adaptation to new experiences and moderate irregularity in eating sleeping and elimination Nine Dimensions of Temperament activity level adaptability approach withdrawal attention span and persistence distractibility intensity of reaction quality of mood rhythmicity routine during the day threshold of responsiveness 35 show a mixture of traits that do not fit one of these profiles Interactional Effect Infant temperament difficult child Moderator three risk factors poverty inadequate social emotional support or a history of parental rejection have insecure attachment themselves about 3 Parenting less sensitive mothering leads to Attachment Outcome of insecure attachment more sensitive and engaged mothering leads to Attachment Outcome of secure attachment after 1 1 5 years expand attachments to other people Chapter 11 Powerpoint Self Identity Development how should you behave yourself in a social context Development of Self Concept Infancy confusion of self and other Toddlers recognition of self in a mirror 18 24 months Autonomy vs shame and doubt independence and self control vs lack of confidence Claim possession of toys asserting autonomy Discipline and encouragement consistency Preschool initiative vs guilt imagination activity vs overcontrol

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