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Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psychology 3620 Sect 853 8 and 11 November 2013 Lecture 28 Chapter 3 Powerpoint Research Methods in Developmental Psychology Basic Research primary goal of adding to our body of knowledge rather than having immediate direct application Applied Research primary goal of solving problems or improving the human condition General Research Procedures developing research questions research literature forming hypotheses operationalizing constructs variables determining independent and dependent variables sampling and representative samples methods and measures data collection analyzing data and interpret results Developing RQ and Hypotheses Research Questions Hypothesis a prediction often based upon theoretical ideas or observations that is tested by the scientific method Directional Hypothesis method A is more effective than method B Non Directional Hypothesis believe that there will be a significant difference between method A and method B not state which one is higher or better Operationalizing Concepts Operationalization defining a concept in a way that allows it to be measured IV and DV most things studied in psychology are invisible not tangible Sampling and Representative Samples Population those we are interested in studying or learning more about Sample a group selected from the population representative sample Sampling Methods Random Sampling three types simple equal chance to be selected stratified want sample to mimic percentages predetermined strategy 5 demographic variables age education race ethnicity region gender and cluster random sampling random select a few groups individuals belong to Non random Sampling three types systematic predetermined certain set available purposive recruit people to reach large number better chance to find research participant and convenient access to most common biased sampling Lecture 29 Chapter 3 Powerpoint Research Design Experimental random assignments of participants Experimental vs Control treatment or not The treatment is the independent variable the outcome is the dependent variable All other conditions are the same Quasi Experiments or Causal Comparative comparing groups that presumably receive different treatments but these treatments were not set up by the experimenter often based on existing demographic variables Correlational Research most commonly used there is no treatment assigned to different groups the researcher examines whether variables that occur naturally are related to one another Therefore causality cannot be inferred between variables two risks variables may not be the direct cause just associated only tells relationship not causal relationship Longitudinal Research most valuable and most difficult long term study on same sample for Cross sectional Research different samples at same time Primary Source two conditions first hand empirical and original data author is actual years researcher Secondary Source author not researcher Research Ethics with Children and Adolescents minimum risks informed consent of parent and child right to withdraw from research confidentiality of information an institutional review board submit protocol to get approved by the IRB responsible federal agency for guidelines and regulations of human research studies is the Department of Health and Human Services

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