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Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psychology 3620 Sect 853 4 December 2013 Lecture 35 Chapter 13 Powerpoint Level of conflict pre divorce high conflicts predict poor outcome in children if high conflict children do better after divorce Level of conflict during and after divorce parents continue to verbally attack each other Financial difficulties and poverty high levels of parental distress greater numbers of life changes and disruptions psychological well being emotional care stability 20 25 of children from divorced parents experience high levels of behavior problems 10 of children from intact families norm Lower academic achievement higher high school dropout lower college attendance completion externalizing behavior problems low SE depression difficulties with relationships Effects at Different Ages Infants and Toddlers disturbance in eating and sleeping separation anxiety regression in newly acquired skills Preschoolers self blame aggression separation anxiety transductive reasoning irrelevant Elementary School Age Children wishful thinking depression and anxiety anger inferior causes decline in school performance Teens depression violent behavior fear overcommitted to love relationship teen pregnancy Don ts bad mouth the other parent have children report or spy on other parent fight with other parent when child is around use child as a weapon make your child take sides use child as a confidant give up on your relationship with your child Do s listen explain at the child s level minimize changes keep discipline consistent take care of yourself so you can take care of your child get help when you need to Single Parent Household about 30 of children under age 18 grew up in single parent household 81 19 mother father ratio in single parents about 40 of infants in year 2007 were born to unmarried mother 50 of single mothers live with the baby s father when the baby was born only 10 eventually marry only 20 of fathers maintain contact with child Authoritative most effective one in society high demandingness Parenting Styles Baumrind and acceptance emotional care Authoritarian high demandingness and low acceptance Permissive low demandingness and high acceptance Uninvolved low demandingness and acceptance Effectiveness of different styles is moderated by culture and surroundings in a high risk community greater parental restriction stronger behavioral control and stricter punishment may be understood by both parent and child as necessary for survival

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