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BIOL 1103 LECTURE 1 NOTES Characteristics of all living things 1 They have a complex structure based on organic molecules containing carbon a Six main atoms in this world carbon nitrogen hydrogen oxygen phosphorous sulfur i These 6 atoms make up 96 7 of living things b Four main macromolecules big molecules carbohydrates lipids proteins nucleic acid 2 All things are made of cells or cell products a Prokaryotic cells cells without nucleus such as bacteria b Eukaryotic cells cell that have chromosomes within nucleus such as protists fungi animals 3 Life must reproduce a Continuation of life is based on DNA i DNA genetic code passed through generations also the code that gives amino acids and proteins their sequence 4 Must have use convert energy a Organisms acquire energy from environment then convert it to different forms ATP energy i Photosynthesis energy of light from sun converted to chemical bond b Cell respiration chemical bond energy from photosynthesis converted to i ATP universal energy molecule found in cells c Energy ability to do work obtained by living things from the food they consume 5 Living things grow and develop a Growth for unicellular organisms it is an increase in cell size before reproduction for multicellular organisms it is an increase in organism s size as number of cells making up organism increases 6 Living things maintain homeostasis a Homeostasis maintenance of constant internal environment despite external environmental changes 7 Living things respond to stimuli in environment a Sense and response organisms may move toward food source or away from predator if they perceive danger another example is plants ability to recognize what season it and when it is time to flower according to environmental stimuli 8 Living things are a product of evolution a All living things have changed over time through gradual diversification process b Hierarchy of living things i Atom molecule organelle cell tissue organ organism pop ulation community biosphere Science is a way of learning o Based on experiments in accordance with scientific method o Science relies on observation and experiments o If a concept idea process etc cannot be seen it cannot be investigated by science o Hypothesis must be logical and able to be tested

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