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BMGT360 03 12 2012 08 43 00 this is the lowest level of thinking because it simply asks the learner to repeat something that was memorized Ex learning the alphabet a more challenging level because it asks to learner to explain BLOOM S TAXONOMY Knowledge Level Comprehension Level something in her own words 5Y deep Analysis Level break bottom into parts Ex explain to a 5 year old how to multiply 2x2 Application Level the learner must demonstrate knowledge gained by using it Ex music scale name it and explain it and use it Synthesis Level being able to create a new way to do things happens at this level Ex gaining new members of church creative way of thinking this level requires the learner to measure the degree of success in Judgment Level solving a problem The Big Picture use the taxonomy to pose questions at each level simple can you name the letters in the alphabet complex can you create a new training program and figure out a way to tell if it is any good 03 12 2012 08 43 00 03 12 2012 08 43 00

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