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BMGT360 Final Chapters 9 14 CHAPTER 9 MANAGING CAREERS INDIVIDUAL VS ORGANIZATIONAL PERSPECTIVE Organizational Viewpoint career development involves tracking career paths and developing career ladders of employees o HRM seeks to direct information and monitor the progress of special groups Individual Career Development focuses on assisting individuals to identify their major goals and how to achieve them CAREER DEVELOPMENT VS EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT Career Development looks at the long term career effectiveness and success of Employee Development should be compatible with an individual s career organizational personnel development in the organization o Match individual abilities and aspirations with the needs of the organization CAREER DEVELOPMENT VALUE FOR THE ORGANIZATION A well designed career development program should lead to o Need talent will be available o The organization s ability to attract and retain talented employees improves o Minorities and women have comparable opportunities for growth and development o Reduced employee frustration o Enhanced cultural diversity o Organizational goodwill CAREER DEVELOPMENT VALUE FOR THE INDIVIDUAL Careers are both external and internal o External Career involves properties or qualities of an occupation or an organization E g the sequence of jobs or positions undergraduate degree sales rep graduate training district manager president of small firm retirement o Internal Career career success can be defined by internal personal Subjective value judgments as well as objective external elements such as titles and income MENTORING AND COACHING 1 Mentoring Coaching When a senior employee takes an active role in guiding another individual o Effective Coach gives guidance through direction advice criticism and suggestions in an attempt to aid the employees growth Mentors provide a support system for junior employees by offering insight into how the organization operates helping expand the junior employee s professional network assisting in setting career development goals and providing feedback o Disadvantages tendencies to perpetuate the current styles and practices in the organization and heavy reliance on the coach s ability to be a good teacher TRADITIONAL CAREER STAGES Exploration transition from school to work usually occurs in mid twenties o This stage has the least relevance to organizations because it occurs prior to employment o During the exploration period we develop many expectations about our career many tend to be unrealistic Establishment search for work getting first job and getting established o Gaining the first tangible evidence of success or failure in the real work Mid career a career stage marked by continuous improvement in performance leveling off in performance or beginning of deterioration in performance Late Career a career stage in which individuals are no longer learning about their jobs nor expected to outdo levels of performance from previous years o Their value to the organization typically lies heavily in their judgment built up over many years and through varied experiences o They often teach others based on the knowledge they have gained Decline transition to retirement CAREER CHOICES AND PREFERENCES Holland Vocational Preferences represents and individual occupational personality as it relates to vocational themes o This theory consists of three major components 1 People have varying occupational preferences 2 If you do a job you think is important you will be a more productive employee 3 You will have more in common with people who have similar interest patterns and less in common with those who don t o The Holland Vocational Model identifies six vocational themes realistic investigation artistic social enterprising and conventional The Schein Anchors Edgar Schein has identified anchors or personal value clusters that may be satisfied or frustrated by work o When the worker holds a particular combination of these personal value clusters technical functional creativity and autonomy independence and 2 the organization characteristically offers them that person is anchored in that job organization or industry o If an organization satisfies two out of three value clusters it is considered a stable match Myers Briggs Typologies uses four dimensions of personality to identify 16 different personality types based on responses to an approximately 100 item questionnaire o 4 Dimensions Judging vs Perceiving JP Thinking vs Feeling TF Extroversion versus introversion EI Sensing versus intuitive SN CHAPTER 10 ESTABLISHING THE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PERFORAMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS The performance appraisal is the most easily identifiable but its just a part of a system that seeks to motivate employees to maximum performance by evaluating the employee s effort on the job comparing it to standards and using those results to help employees improve PURPOSES OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Performance appraisal performance appraisals take the part of the evaluation instrument that conveys to employees how well they have progressed toward achieving their goals o Goals and performance measures are mutually set between the employee o Provides documentation a record of performance appraisal process and supervisor outcomes Employee Development areas in which an employee has a deficiency or weakness or an area that simply could be improved through an effort to enhance performance Difficulties in Performance Management Systems o Focus on the Individual whenever performance evaluations are administered there is the issue of people not seeing eye to eye on the evolution Emotions can come into play when there is disagreement making the situation uncomfortable o Focus on the Process whenever performance evolutions are conducted a particular structure must be followed The structure exists to facilitate documentation that often allows for quantifiable evaluation Company policies and procedures may present barriers to a properly functioning appraisal process 3 THE APPRAISAL PROCESS Establish Performance Standards 1 Establish performance standards with employees Should evolve out of the company s strategic direction and the job analysis and the job description Performance standards should also be clear and objective enough to be understood and measured 2 Communicate expectations Expectations need to be communicated to employee they should know exactly what is to be expected of them 3 Measure actual performance How and what is

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