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History 200 Exam Review 4 Revolutionary Created a new country Broke British authority Monarchy now a democracy rule by the people State Constitution changes Broke mercantilism Slavery ended in the North slaves fought on both sides Women helped boycott against British goods created textiles started businesses while husbands were away 6 Ideas Pre settlement ideas Capacity for work No pain during childbirth not sons of God Pendulous breasts not sons of God Religion Economic Changes Upper South tobacco labor force Lower South Caribbean planters Rice for slaves Disease Immunity cheaper than servants Triangle Trade mercantilism Events Jamestown was founded Cash crops were developed tobacco Triangle Trade Bans on interracial marriages sex Bacon s Rebellion revolt of lower class against the upper class due to the lack of protection over the Indians and the lack land because of the Indians Class divided races black suffrage land and gun ownership Child based off of the status of the mother White were not taxed the same way that black men were to buy Bans on goes women women and Constitution protects slavery Key Terms Herman Cortez First explorer to encounter a major American civilization Spanish solider and explorer Conquered Aztec empire Cortes symbolizes an elite man trying to protect native woman from barbaric practice of human sacrifice Mercantilism The belief that the nation is the primary economic unit In order to accumulate more wealth you need to sell more than you buy Desire for expansion and colonies more natural resources ex England wants their colonies to trade with only them Moral Economy Assumed want and inequality Cast independence as dangerous Required mutual respect for just wage and price Peasant communities shared attitudes concerning the social relations and social behaviors that surround the local economy Protestant Reformation Martin Luther began in 1517 People started seeing faults in the Catholic doctrine Started to break away from the Catholic Church and forming their own church groups He viewed that the Pope was not the head of the church Bacon s Rebellion Bacon wanted to exterminate Indians Led a rebellion army with 500 indentured servants and slaves Forced Berkeley into exile but then he later regained power Led to the development of slavery Planter elites wanted a labor source they could control According to the Conditions of the Mother All women and children born in the country shall be held bound in the country Slavery is not a condition from which you escape All interracial sex is illegal Covenant Theology Covenant of works God made a promise to Adam that if he did what he was told he would live forever Covenant of Grace Adam did not follow the rules All humans deserved damnation The Navigation Acts Rules that controlled certain colonies to trade with other nations Wanted to gain profit by exporting more and importing less Designed to damage the carrying trade of the Dutch Salem 19 men and women were convicted as being witches Puritans in Massachusetts George Whitefield Great awakening everyone can be saved Wanted a more emotional relationship between believers and god Create individualistic in the US Break down big monarchies Colonial identity across the different states

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UMD HIST 200 - Study Guide

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