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Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psychology 3620 Sect 853 4 September 2013 Lecture 2 Powerpoint Chapter 1 Contextual environmental impact cultural factors Psychoanalytic Freud one of the first modern psychology force in early 20th century too In U S second movement would be Behaviorism observable and easier to observe more 50s and 60s civil rights movement third force Humanistic 80s and 90s Applied Psychology counseling Multiculturalism fourth movement Moderating effects altered research findings same source leading to some problems with different outcomes race played as moderating the research effects Culturally bias assumptions in questions asked to kids in different areas Interactional Genetics Heredity x Environment Nature vs Nurture Behaviorism passive abstract concrete recipients Know the source of your information primary source trustworthy articles original data collection vs secondary source book chapters Examine the evidence become a critical thinker beware of making generalizations be aware of perceptual cultural bias Powerpoint Chapter 2 Theories of Development Psychoanalytic Theory Sigmund Freud three parts of Personality Id pleasure principle urges on basic biological drives Ego reality principle moderate and balance id and superego CEO thinker Superego conscience morality 2 3 year olds begin to development do not want to be punished Psychosexual Developmental Stages Oral 0 1 years focus of pleasure is on the mouth taking in Anal 1 3 years focus of pleasure is in the anal area potty training self control Phallic 3 6 years focus of pleasure is on the penis for boys clitoris for girls Oedipus Electra complex castration anxiety resentful towards dad for boys fear that dad will get rid of little boy because little girls do not have what little boys have as a punishment sexual identification want to grow up just like dad little girls have penis envy Latency 6 12 years sexual drive goes underground and gives energy to learning to be an adult schooling Genital 12 and older adult sexuality

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