Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psychology 3620 Sect 853 6 September 2013 Erikson s Psychosocial Stages Lecture 3 Powerpoint Chapter 2 8 different stages while Freud has 5 stages Most important social interaction contact idea of self Accomplish tasks in order to move on to the next stage carry problem if not accomplished Stage 1 infancy main thing to accomplish is trust failing would be mistrust Stage 2 toddlerhood autonomy self discipline failing would be shame and doubt lack of confidence Behaviorism Second force after Psychoanalytic people at the time did not like the theories of psychoanalytic so they turned to empirical data John B Watson and classical conditioning We are born a tabula rasa blank slate Our environment determines our behavior Classical conditioning pairing of stimuli CS NCS Pavlov s dogs reflex no learning process for UCS and UCR John Watson and Little Albert generalized fear towards other furry things not just the white furry rat N rat UCS loud noise UCR fear CS rat CR fear Three kinds of learning Classical conditioning operant conditioning and social learning Operant Conditioning B F Skinner pigeons learned what to do through rewards Gambling scheduled reinforcement Reinforcement increase the target behavior and Punishment decrease behavior Positive Reinforcement add something pleasant to increase behavior Negative Reinforcement take something unpleasant away to increase behavior Positive Punishment add something unpleasant to decrease behavior Negative Punishment take something pleasant away to decrease behavior
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