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Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psychology 3620 Sect 853 9 September 2013 Lecture 4 Chapter 2 Powerpoint Operant Conditioning B F Skinner Operant Conditioning voluntary response is strengthened by its association with positive consequences Reinforcement a stimulus that increases the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated Negative Reinforcement removal of a stimulus increases the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated Schedule always fixed Interval varied schedule Punishment negative consequence reduces the likelihood of a behavior happening again Extinction ignoring a behavior makes it stop Social Cognitive Theory Albert Bandura learning through observation and imitation modeling mimic adult s behavior Differs from behaviorism in looking at inner mental processes 4 components attention memory motoric ability motivation Self efficacy experience vicarious success watch peers if they can do it then I can do it too persuasion support from significant other perception to body reaction self talk kind of like self fulfill prophesy confidence in self to do something well and right depends on age of children which one works the best kind of in order of age as they get older go through these four self efficacy situations teenagers and adults personal past experiences most powerful Bronfenbrenner s Ecological Theory Individuals grow and develop within a nested set of influences Microsystem family school health services peers church group neighborhood play area Mesosystem interaction that occurs between those who are in the microsystem Exosystem extended family friends of family mass media social welfare services neighbors legal services Macrosystem attitudes and ideologies of the culture or society Chronosystem society as a whole with things that happen for a long time

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