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Exam 3 Masters and Johnsons Research Understanding what is the human response cycle and what happens int heir body Interested in human physiological sexual response cycle and how these problems differ from other species sexually basically how humans differ from other animals How humans differ from animals Instruments to measure vasocongestion and myotonia avoid problems of self report Myotonia muscle congestion tension Instrument Vaginal phoyoplethysmograph emits lights and measures the amount of light that is reflects back into it Instrument Penile Strain gauge goes around penis and measure penis in circumference Body show arousal circles around again o Asked them to rate arousal o Measured heart rate blood arousal o Heart rate monitor respiration monitor also had subjective questions 4 phases of sexuality EPOR arousal y axis time x axis Excitement arousal would be increasing and cataloged a number of physiological changes increase vasocongestion penile erection skin of scrotum in increase and testes swell up men blood to rush to area clitoris swell uterus swell breast enlarge libia women sex flush rosing of the skin seen on the chest cheek bones easier to see in light skinned people Nipples tend to become erect Myotonia muscle tension increase heart rate blood pressure and erection will occur Plateau Arousal becomes level Erection will continue Provides nourshiment for sperm Pre cum Alkalin clean out urethra Lubricant for semen Fluid contains small amount of live sperm True of false cant get pregnant from live sperm FALSE tenting part of the vulva that narrows o unlikely to record tenting for women Orgasm sharp increase that go right to peak Hit its highest peak Men 1st phase emission phase semen builds up in the uretha bulbs and build up Prostate gland contracts and collect at base of penis Ejaculatory inevitability point of no return After which everything in involuntary 2nd phase Expulsion contract in 8 sec intervals Contraction phase heart rate blood pressure and respiration at its highest Also get muscle spasms Graph ON SIDE SHEET OF PAPER Afterglow warm glowing satisfied feeling Comes from oxytocin Are men and women different Humans experience of orgasm not a gender experience Prenatal all the parts were develop from the same cells Feelings are as human being s Anatomical differences Women are more able to experience multiple orgasm then men Don t go back to baseline Women don t have a refractory period Males are rare to have multiple orgasm because they have a refractory period Who can ejaculate 40 50 of women are aware of ejaculation in orgasm G zone secretes fluids similar to prostate gland Women skene s men prostate PVI and female orgasm normal and natural culmination o orgasm for men and women are completely natural external anatomy similar names glands o men s penile gland experiences orgasm 2 spongy tissue in glands called cubra cavanosa check in book suck up blood and causes erection o during missionary pvi men penetrate the vagina wall because the clitoris hide Wont maximize orgasm 70 wont orgasm during pvi 8000 nerve ending clitoris needs to stimulate G spot stimulation paraurethral sponge o Pvi wont be stimulated it will be rubbed by shpae o Similar to prostate tissue in men o Associated with female ejaculation o Health benefits of orgasm Longevity Men orgasm more frequently are less likely to die then men that don t Ppl who report sexuality contribute to the health in Elderly people remaining sexually active less wellbeing mortality Heart function DHEA decreases for hear risk Testosterone as shown to reduce risks with heart problems Increases sexual activity associated with lower breast cancer Decreases correlations to breast and prostate Cancer Higher ejaculation prostate cancer immune function college age having sex better immune function compared to students not Sleep oxytosin dopamine stress relief and sleep Youthfulness young apperance for ppl having sex then not Eleveiation of Menstrual issues endometriosis and orgasm Women without endometriosis are more likely to report being sexually active Specifically sexual behavior during menstruation was important in the study lower rates than woman who didn t have it More likely to experience orgasm during menstruation than woman who developed endometriosis One extremely reliable way to relieve menstrual cramps is through orgasm Menstrual cycle regularity and utility go up with regular sexual activity more sexual active and more arousal tend to have lower variability in cycle and are more fertile Quality of sperm is higher in men who ejaculate more frequently No evidence to suggest that sexual activity during pregnancy is harmful Some suggests that its positive effects on relationship Exposure to sperm prior to and during pregnanacy decreased woman risk for pregnancy related stuff 2000 study found decreased risk of preeclampsia in woman who swallowed the sperm Pain management people who are more sexually active tend to have lower rates of chronic pain More orgasm higher general pain tolerance of woman show migraine release with orgasm Quality of life people who are sexually active have higher levels of quality of life Lower rates of depression and suicide Resolution R in the EPOR model o Resolution return to baseline o E up to P up to O down to R o Men lose erection o Refractory period in men period of time following ejaculation in which body is physically incapable of having an erection again Still can experience excitement and everything o For college age men average is 25 minutes o Viagra group reduced refractory period o From p r no orgasm Blood rushed to all those areas during arousal very slowly dissipates which causes an uncomfortable aching feeling in the pelvic area blue balls NOT DANGEROUS Can be easily resolved by masturbation o For men of volume of erection is lost within one minute after orgasm The remaining is only a few minutes after that o Without orgasm the resolution is much more fragile o Men can still maintain erection during this time Things to Consider M J s model o Number of stages Are E and P really separate stages no What about sexual desire Human beings e o r Wanting to the model didn t incorporate o Male female similarities Female response cycle may not fit into EPOR model which is why we now have the new view of female sexuality Men travel predictably through EPOR model The New View of Female Sexuality o Focus on medicalization of women s sexual problems A woman who does not orgasm

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