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Fluid moves due to pressure gradient Poiseuille s Law radius has the greatest effect on flow Water Potential Solute Pressure Potentials Applied pressure is negative Casparian Strip Cohesion tension theory daytime decrease in trunk diameter stronger pull of Increased solute more negative solute potential Soil high water potential leaves atmosphere low very negative water potential blocks entry of Na into xylem water to go through roots Nighttime relaxed trunk diameter expands Water A Aquaporins only lets water in due to 1 Size restriction 2 Water dipole reorientation 3 Electrostatic repulsion Osmolarity concentration of all dissolved particles in water Osmoconformers maintains same osmotic pressure as water linear graph Add or subtract solute that does not interfere with protein structure amino acids urea snails Osmoregulators pressure is maintained independent of environment Pumps water and or solute Fish crustaceans Flat line Fluids tend to concentrate in saltwater lose water gain ions Fluids tend to dilute in freshwater gain water lose ions 1 Stenohaline survive narrow changes in salinity 2 Euryhaline survive wider changes in salinity B Terrestrial Organisms water loss Must gain Na C Aquatic Water gain hypertonic freshwater Must accumulate solute D Marine Water loss hypotonic salt water Must remove solute Hemoglobin O2 Binding Curve A Sigmoidal Curve Due to subunits cooperativity Large decreases in oxygen does not drastically decrease O2 saturation permitting organisms to live at different altitudes as Denver has lower amounts of oxygen in air top plateau Small decreases in oxygen in tissues in the steepest part of the graph results in large increases in amount of oxygen released from hemoglobin B P50 concentration of O2 in blood resulting in 50 of O2 Sat Inverse to affinity Normally 26 8 High acidity lower pH more CO2 shift right p50 increases less affinity Bohr Shift excessive use of muscles aerobic exercise Fetal hemoglobin Hyperventilate high pH low CO2 low intake of O2 higher affinity low p50 shift left high affinity low p50 shift left less acidic less CO2 Diffusing Through Membrane A Simple Diffusion Nonpolar fatty acid chains control what comes through nonpolar comes through easiest Aquaporins Gradient dependent both directions linear graph Small uncharged B Facilitated Diffusion Gradient dependent both directions no energy used Transport sites per solute with affinity for different solutes Ka Tmax micromoles min determined by number of transport sites Ka concentration that gives of Tmax inverse to affinity C Active Transport Transport sites Tmax Independent of gradients requires energy delta G 1 Direct use of ATP Phosphorylated intermediate Na K pump cotransport antiport 2 Indirect Use gradient of a co transported ion Glucose and amino acids use sodium gradient to enter inside outside cell Symport glucose enters cell with Na same direction Urchins Pluteus planktonic feeding larva metamorphosis take a while Small size eggs Large amounts of eggs High mortality in different locations long dispersal distance Direct developing accelerated metamorphosis favored today Large egg size Small amounts of eggs produced Low mortality near parents Going beyond simple 1 Sessile adults need help with dispersal Motile larvae dispersal mechanism 2 Adults adapted for one environment can exploit another for reproduction progeny have different adaptations than parents can survive in different environment 3 Big eggs are expensive Allows higher amounts of progeny Let nature feed babies early feeding larvae Isometric growth is not favorable Developmental Processes 2 Cell movement or differential expansion 1 Cell proliferation and programmed cell death Autophagy self eating remove entire tissues Gastrulation of blastula ectoderm mesoderm endoderm 3 Cell differentiation 4 Cell cell interactions Protostomes Lophotrochozoa special feeding organ and larval form fish net grabs food Molluscs clams snails octopus and annelids worms slugs leeches Ecdysoza molting cuticle is shed used for growing Arthropods flies and nematodes roundworms Jellyfish Alternation of Generations Diploid dominated Feeding polyp reproductive polyp 2n Mitosis medusa 2n Fungus is usually in haploid stage Plasmogamy n n Karyogamy 2n Zygomycote coencytic hyphae connecting hyphae via bridge 4 progeny hypha fusing n n single cell from each fuse Basidiomycota mushroom forming spore shooting basidium Ascomycota mold spore shooting asci ascocarp spore producing body n n 8 spores Chytrid in lumen of cows Only with free swimming gametes gametes fuse karyogamy plasmogamy simultaneously zygote sporophytic mycelium meiotically divide to make spores Nonvascular seedless vascular seed plants angiosperms gymnosperms Charales closest algal relative of land plants Nonvascular mosses gametophyte dominated Seedless vascular ferns sporophyte dominated Seed plants trees flowers sporophyte dominated angiosperms form 3n endosperm Chloroplasts cyanobacteria Bigger genome than mtDNA Contains ribosomal protein Alpha proteobacteria Mitochondrial DNA mitochondrial ribosomal proteins in nucleus animals in mitochondria in plants Secondary Endosymbiosis Membrane labeling 1 Plasma membrane of cyanobacterium engulfed as primary endosymbiont 2 Phagosomal membrane of primary eukaryotic host Pinched off during primary endosymbiosis to surround cyanobacterium 3 Former plasma membrane of autotrophic eukaryote protist 4 Phagosomal membrane of secondary eukaryotic host Pre RNA World Form abiotically Self catalytic Interact with RNA Alternate forms of nucleic acids RNA World Organisms Amphipathic binary hypertonic interior reproduction physical disruption Not the earliest organisms Autocatalytic self replicating splicing genes No proteins are used as catalysts Did not arise from single strand DNA based genes Had phospholipid boundary layer Cellulose found in cell walls of some eukaryotes and archaea beta 1 4 glycosidic linkage Parallel strands joined by hydrogen bonds Permeability of membrane Unsaturated hydrocarbon Decrease length of phospholipid fatty acid isoprene side chains Increase number of double bonds degree of unsaturation Archaea aerobic single celled cold dwelling phylogenetically closer to Eukaryotes Prokaryote DNA associated proteins HISTONES circular chromosomes ester linkage glycerol residues Bacteria bonds branched chains in membrane not solid no peptidoglycan Isoprene Uses ATP glycerol bonded to branched fatty acids synthesized from isoprene subunits

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