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Name Some of the questions have been marked off as not covered enough this year 2014 Just because some qs are not marked off doesn t mean that they re covered in detail this year however BSCI 207 Firestone Kent Exam 3 2013 UID Multiple multiple choice questions i e related true false questions Select either A for TRUE or E for FALSE Questions 1 through 5 Hox genes are responsible for 1 segment identity T 2 the initial anterior posterior gradient in the egg F 3 pattern development T 4 the anterior posterior orientation of segments F 5 producing segmental pairs F pair rule genes Questions 6 10 Mammalian lungs 6 are fractal structures T 7 must be moist to allow for gas exchange T 8 fill using negative pressure T 9 use a countercurrent exchange system F 10 require muscle contractions to exhale F use muscles but don t contract require muscle relaxation Questions 11 15 Chemicals that bioaccumulate Not yet in 2014 but maybe soon 11 are absorbed via facilitated diffusion 12 are hydrophobic 13 are nonpolar gasses 14 mostly enter our body via polluted drinking water 15 do so because they are easily absorbed but only excreted with the less efficient concurrent not countercurrent flow Questions 16 20 Colinearity in Hox genes 16 initiates the formation of cytoplasmic determinants and induction cascades F cytoplasmic determinants 17 refers to the correspondence between position on the chromosome and 18 refers to the correspondence between position on the chromosome and position on the body T timing of their activation T development T 19 protects the nervous system from mutations acting late in 20 is very different between protostomes and deuterostomes F Questions 21 25 In plants the process of gas exchange involves 21 the cuticle that acts to limit water loss across the leaf epidermis T 22 guard cells in which light stimulates the activity of the H pump T 23 guard cells that become swollen to restrict the size of the stomatal opening F swollen turgid opens up stomata 24 the diffusion of gas through intercellular spaces in order to reach individual cells T 25 the bulk flow in the aerenchyma of many aquatic plants Questions 26 30 The acidic phase of digestion 26 kills pathogens in the food T acid kills bacteria not favorable 27 causes mechanical reduction of food F mechanical in mouth environment chemical 28 does not occur in protists such as Paramecium F 29 is primarily absorptive F 30 occurs during ingestion F Questions 31 35 Countercurrent exchange systems 31 increase the efficiency of mammalian lungs F 32 help the loop of Henle produce a concentration gradient in the kidney T 33 do not require a separate ventilation current for gas exchange F 34 allow diffusion to reach equilibrium very quickly F 35 are responsible for gas exchange in insect trachea F Questions 36 40 The phosphate ion is the primary type of phosphorus for plants The phosphate ion 36 was probably absorbed by a plant from organic matter not rock or sandy soil T active F 37 always originally came from rocks T 38 enters roots through facilitated diffusion F have to enter thru 39 does not affect psi even when there is a lot of it Water potential 40 when a lot of it gets into a lake causes fish death by reacting with most of the oxygen in the water Questions 41 45 The physiochemical process of osmosis 41 involves the diffusion of water from a solution of higher solute concentration to a solution of lower solute concentration F high water low solute 42 can generate significant pressure increases T 43 cannot generate significant volume increases F 44 can move water molecules from a hypotonic environment into an organism T 45 can involve the energy dependent movement of water molecules through aquaporins F aquaporins aren t energy dependent but Page 2 4 they do move thru aquaporins Questions 46 50 Both chloride cells in marine teleosts and renal glands in sharks 46 use Na K ATPase to generate an electrochemical gradient T 47 actively secrete electrolytes T 48 help produce large quantities of dilute urine F concentrated not dilute 49 have unique transport molecules not found in other animals F 50 are primarily responsible for transporting water to the environment F transport ions Questions 51 55 Bird lungs are poorly adapted for use underwater because compared toa ir 51 water has high viscosity T 52 water has high density T 53 water has relatively high O2 F 54 they lack ventilation bulk flow F lungs 55 they have a large external opening F Questions 56 60 Fishes living in freshwater 56 actively pump ions out of the cell F need to retain ions 57 are constantly losing water to the environment F constantly 58 use contractile vacuoles for excretion F only unicellular use gaining contractile 59 live in a hypertonic environment F hypotonic 60 have plasma membranes with many aquaporins F Questions 61 65 The proximal tubule of the mammalian nephron 61 uses aquaporins for reabsorbing water T 62 is responsible for filtration F filtration happens in first part 63 has numerous Na K ATPase molecules T 64 has numerous Na contransporters T 65 secretes urea F happens in collecting duct Questions 66 69 Fractal systems are important in biological systems because 66 they produce isometry F 67 they arise by iterative processes T 68 are capable of filling irregular spaces T 69 utilize a relatively simple genetic system T Questions 70 73 In a drought 70 plants have trouble obtaining nutrient ions T Page 3 4 71 it is harder for plants to move nutrients from roots to leaves T because ions are hydrophillic so they need water 72 more organic matter in the soil makes plant growth easier T organic water holds water 73 soil water potential can go from positive to negative F water potential water pressure water pressure has to be negative in plant Question 74 Both termites and ruminants are highly specialized herbivores capable of utilizing the cellulose in their foods Despite this similarity they have very different digestive tracts i e simple in termites complex in ruminants Discuss how these two animals are capable of chemically digesting cellulose as well as the reasons ruminants require such a complicated digestive tract 6 points chemical digestion in both species complex ruminant cow digestive tract Question 75 What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of the excretory products ammonia uric acid and urea 9 points Ammonia Uric Acid Urea two advantages one disadvantage Question 76 Place these vessels in order of the pressure they contain 3 points

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