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Chapter 1 HRM Environment I Understanding Cultural Environment a Globalization a process of interaction and integration among the people companies and governments of different national origin driven by international trade investment and accelerated by information technology i Multinational Corporations operations in more htan one coutry corporations with significant II Changing world of technology a Knowledge Worker acquisition and application of information b Technology has had a positive effect on HRM individuals whose jobs are designed around the 1 allows jobs to be posted online and reach far more people i Recruiting at once ii Employee selection iii Traning and development iv Ethics and employes rights v Motivating knowledge workers vi Paying employees market value 1 more access to info on what going rate is vii Communications 1 instant anytime with anyone viii decentralized work site ix skill levels 1 will increase x a legal concern 1 federal law looks at something no differently than on a company letterhead then on email in company III Workforce Diversity the varied personal characteristics that make the workforce hetrogenous a How diversity effects HRM i Need to be cognizant about the diversity of workplace b Work Life Balance IV Labor Supply c Rightsizing d Outsourcing a Baby Boomer b Downsizing born between 1946 and 1965 an activity in an organization aimed at creating greater linking employee needs to organizational structure sending work outside the organization to be don by efficency by eliminating certain jobs individuals not emplyoeed full time with the organization the part time tmpoary and contract workers used by organizations to fill peak staffing needs or perform work not done by core employees i Part time ii Temporary Workers work fewer than 40 hours Temps fill in workers e Contingent Workforce iv Core Employees 1 Employee iii Contract Workers project Highly skilled workers who perform certain duties contracted by organization to work on a specific an organizations full time employees anyone who performs a service if you can control what can be done and how it will be done Right to control details on how service is done Independent contractor the persone who hires them only have the right to conttol the end result and not the means and methods to perform it Organizations commitment to constantly improving 2 V Countinous Improvement quality of products or services a Kaizen b Work Process Engineering some Jap saying for commitment to success Radical quantum changes in an organization i Need HRM to help employees over come barriers to change 1 need to have answers for employees in times of change to ease confussion and improve morale VI Employee Involvement a Need to empower employees i Need to get employees involved VII Other HRM Challenges a Recessions Imrove morale i ii Restructure to ft working environment the process of moving jobs out of the country b Offshoring c Ethics d Mergers e Acquisitions f Code of Ethics g

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UMD BMGT 360 - Chapter 1

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