BIOL 1103L Week 10 Data Graphing Wri8ng Results Assignment Wri8ng in Science Figures A di cult aspect of wri8ng in the sciences is accurate presenta8on of data This assignment will give you the opportunity to prac8ce represen8ng data You will submit graph gures depic8ng data from your CC Experimental Design labs This assignment will help you create an appropriate and informa8ve graph and prac8ce wri8ng a descrip8on of results for your Carb CuRer Report If you need to review quan8ta8ve comparison statements look in the AR folder Describing Data for weeks 8 9 in eLC Using Excel you will need to generate the starch concentra8on standard curves from the absorbance values of known starch concentra8ons Once you have completed those you will determine the concentra8ons of starch in both the standard normal and carb cuRer reac8ons Graph the data for each reac8on separately crea8ng a gure that includes all the appropriate details of an informa8ve graph Insert both graphs below 10 pts 1 Starch Amylase Reac8on Graph 3 pts BIOL 1103L Week 10 Data Graphing Wri8ng Results Assignment Wri8ng in Science Figures a What is the rate of change for this reac8on What trend s do you no8ce from the data as shown in the graph Write a quan8ta8ve comparison statement about the graph 1 pt Rate of change 1136 g L Over the Course of 3 minutes the absorbance values decreased by about 58 b Provide a cap8on for this gure 1 pt The Absorbance Values were taken for the Starch and Amylase Solu8on NOT including the the Carb CuRer at 30 second intervals The X axis shows the 8me of reac8on in minutes while the Y axis shows the absorbance values for the starch and amylase solu8on 2 Starch Amylase with Carb CuRer Graph 3 pts a What is the rate of change for this reac8on What trend s do you no8ce from the data as shown in the graph Write a quan8ta8ve comparison statement for the graph 1 pt Rate of Change 2674 g L BIOL 1103L Week 10 Data Graphing Wri8ng Results Assignment Wri8ng in Science Figures Over the course of 3 minutes the absorbance values decreased by about 48 which is 10 less than the solu8on with only starch and amylase The absorbance value for the carb cuRer solu8on at 3 00 was about 22 less than the absorbance value for the starch and amylase only solu8on at 3 00 b Provide a cap8on for this gure 1 pt The Absorbance Values were taken for the Starch and Amylase Solu8on including the the Carb CuRer at 30 second intervals The X axis shows the 8me of reac8on in minutes while the Y axis shows the absorbance values for the starch amylase and carb cuRer solu8on
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