MSU BMB 401 - BMB_401_Lecture_30b_KEY_Self_assessment

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BMB 401 Lecture 30b Self Assessment KEY Endogenous Protein and Amino Acid Catabolism 1 Endogenous proteins are tagged with this protein ubiquitin through formation of this type of bond to epsilon amino groups on the targeted protein isopeptide bond These tagged proteins are then brought to this multimeric protein for destruction proteasome 2 Please show the reactants and products of Aspartate Aminotransferase in the catabolism of aspartate Aspartate alpha keoglutarate yield Oxaloacetate Glutamate 3 When the amino acid alanine is deaminated what alpha ketoacid is formed pyruvate 4 Please name the 7 major metabolites formed from the carbon skeletons of amino acids during amino acid catabolism a Fumarate b Pyruvate c Acetyl Co A d Acetoacetyl CoA e Succinyl Co A f Oxalaoacetate g alpha keoglutarate 5 Please name the cofactor that functions in amino transferase reactions to form a protonated Shiff base with the incoming amino acid Pyridoxal Phosphate 6 Please list the ketoacid product of Glutamate dehydrogenase and explain how this enzyme functions ketoglutarate is the ketoacid Glutamate is oxidized to form a Shiff base The amino group is hydrolyzed to yield a free ammonium ion and ketoglutarate BMB 401 Lecture 30b Self Assessment KEY Endogenous Protein and Amino Acid Catabolism 7 Please explain the glucose alanine cycle Branched chain amino acids are transaminated with pyruvate as the acceptor to form alanine and carbon skeletons in the muscles Carbon skeletons can be used in the muscle as fuel The alanine travels to the liver and is transminated to form pyruvate and the amino group acceptor ketoglutarate is converted to glutamate the amino group can be oxidized to provide nitrogen for the urea cycle Pyruvate can be used to generate glucose through gluconeogenesis The glucose produced by the liver is sent out and can be used by the muscles 8 What are the metabolites that produce carbamoyl phosphate Two ATP CO2 bicarbonate ion and ammonium 9 What intermediate links the TCA and Urea cycles Fumarate 10 Please draw urea and identify the source of each group The first amino group comes from Ammonia The second amino group comes from Aspartate The carbon and oxygen come from Bicarbonate

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MSU BMB 401 - BMB_401_Lecture_30b_KEY_Self_assessment

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