UIUC RST 242 - Reflection 1

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RST242 Reflection 1 October 31 2017 One of the most beautiful places I have ever been to is Mount Rainier The atmosphere is so calm and the views are absolutely breathtaking The picture on the left portrays Mount Rainier in such a beautiful way showing how there are not only bright flowers and green grass but also a snowy mountain full of adventure I enjoy new adventures especially in places as beautiful as Mount Rainier which is why I have a greater connection to the picture on the left On the right there is a mountain but the land around it is barren and dry There is no beautiful snow on the mountain or bright flowers in the land surrounding it The picture on the left speaks to me in a more positive way than the other picture for many reasons The left shows me all of the beauty in the world that there is to explore and it gives me a sense of adventure as well as a goal to explore all of these new and beautiful places The picture on the right however makes me feel as though mankind has ruined large parts of the world and slowly many of the landscapes that are as beautiful as Mount Rainier will eventually look like a barren lifeless desert mountain

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UIUC RST 242 - Reflection 1

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