UIUC RST 242 - Reflection 7

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RST 242 Reflection 7 December 10 2017 Learning about various subcultures throughout America and the impact they have on nature has been very interesting I would consider myself to live within the Asian American subculture which is a culture that greatly values nature especially animals Growing up I was always taught the importance of nature and how it truly gives us everything we need to survive which is very important I was told to appreciate plants because they provided us with oxygen as well as beauty and the sun would give us light and energy and also it would help plants grow Previously I had never thought about other people s subcultures and how they value nature but after learning about this concept I am able to recognize it more and more For example I learned a lot about the Mexican American s appreciation for nature because of the produce and food that is provided from it Mexico is a big source of crops for a lot of places and Mexican Americans brought this appreciation for crops with them to America The great biodiversity of Mexico is greatly appreciated and is a big cultural significance to many Mexican Americans Overall all cultures have many different aspects they appreciate about nature but as a collective American culture we all are aware that nature does not get as much appreciation as it deserves and it is important for everyone to create a stronger relationship with nature

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UIUC RST 242 - Reflection 7

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