UIUC RST 242 - Reflection 6

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RST 242 Reflection 6 December 3 2017 The natural environment is a very important aspect in everyday life and it very important to protect the environment I always try to be environmentally friendly by doing things such as recycling and trying to use a minimal amount of electricity throughout my day but I am definitely guilty of negatively impacting the environment in many ways Something I do that can be changed is leaving electronics plugged in that I don t use on a daily basis or accidentally leaving the lights on Though it may seem like a small action it all adds up and can cause a very large negative impact on my environment Many people around the world are even worse than me when it comes to the environment There are people who carelessly dump waste into the oceans or destroy forests and habitats of many animals in order to build houses and businesses for themselves Also I recently learned that many lights throughout the University stay on overnight and all throughout the weekend even when nobody is using them All of these things cause a very large impact on the environment There are many things that can be done in order to reduce these impacts One thing I have heard of is a student organization that simply goes around turning off lights throughout the university and this can actually make a huge difference If every human made a small effort there can be a big impact

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UIUC RST 242 - Reflection 6

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