WSU HBM 235 - Exam 3 Study Guide

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HBM 235 Edition 1nd Exam 3 Study Guide Lectures 17 18 19 21 Lecture 17 March 7 Chapter 3 Tourism Policy Organizations Government s role in tourism includes Tourism Policystrategy and priorities which equal social and economic goals An example of this is Yap s tourism commission tourism development must be designed so that it will renew strengthen and preserve the culture of Yap and attract certain types of tourists that are compatible with Yap culture Tourism Coordination includes Tourism Policy Setting and planning Growth strategy Balancing triple bottom line Foreign Investment Land Tenure Infrastructure and architecture Architecture Policy Regulations example are having no buildings higher than tallest tree no high fences obstruct view architecture uses local style with materials roof color Ecofriendly Architecture pollution development of new architectural forms may not be compatible with local environment or heritage Rational way of thinking is calculated efficiency technical superiority A traditional way of thinking focuses on intrinsic value and meaning Tourism Legislation and Regulation examples are Passports visas Visa Waivers spending requirements Bhutan 250 per day Tourist access restrictions Protected area permit India Tourism Operations examples are government owned airlines most government owned airlines do not survive government owned hotel chains Tourism Development Stimulation and Control is meant to stimulate investment using Tax holiday deferred payment of taxes Low interest loans reduce interest project must pay Forgivable loans loans may all part of loan if certain conditions are met Tariff remission removes import duties on goods required for a project Equity participation government buys equity shares stock in a project Lecture 18 March 10 Tourism Organizations Global Organizations include UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organization which have their UN Millennium Development Goals Examples of these goals are to end hunger have universal education gender equality and child health Regional Organizations include the PATA Pacific Asia Travel Association which simulates tourism in a remote regional area Supranational Organizations include the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat which is when lots of different countries are apart of it and help govern like the European Union It is the same thing in tourism National Organizations include the Canadian Tourism Commission USA has never had this State Organizations include Share Your Washington Washington State doesn t have its own state organization Community Organizations include Washington Restaurant Association the Washington Lodging Association and the Washington Tourism Alliance The difference between regional and supranational is that supranational countries are stakeholders in the organization and help govern it Lecture 19 March 24 The World Heritage List from the UNESCO is a list of sites that are preserved for humanity approx 936 It represents a masterpiece of human creative genius and bears a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or to a civilization which is living or which has disappeared Selection process Pros huge tourism booster Cons World heritage is big business tourism Angkor Wat Cambodia is a 900 year old Hindu Temple In 1993 7 500 tourists visit annually 20 people per day Today 2 5 million tourists visit annually 6849 people per day Foot traffic makes groundwater to be pumped in a nearby city and the way of life is changed Whose heritage is being preserved Exploiting of preserving Lecture 21 March 31 The 5 Ps are Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance Symptoms of Lack of Planning include Stress Uncertainty Aimless wandering false starts wasted time regret and financial problems Symptoms of Lack of Tourism Planning include overcrowding and congestion and damage to physical environment Tourism Area Life Cycle Model TALC Richard Butler 1980 Exploration Very small number of ventureres Little or no tourism infrastructure Local tourist contact high Very little social environmental or economic impact Involvement Local tourist contact high Organizing around tourism begins Marketing begins Infrastructure emerging Investments begin Development Heavy advertising Local control decreasing Local enterprise being replaced by foreign business Noticeable changes sociocultral and physical environment Tourist arrivals will equal exceed local population Consolidation Tourists exceed locals Growth slows Mass market Dependables and near dependables Stagnation Peak visitors reached Well established image but no longer fashionable Reliance on repeat visitors Frequent changes in ownership Rejuvenation Repositioning New different basis of attraction ex Conventions Man made attractions Natural attraction Service quality enhancement Decline Arrivals decreasing Investors pull out Hotels become condominiums Local resentment generally starts to emerge during development stage but it can be planned for in the exploration stage If in involvement stage need to avoid stagnation Example Pagan Island Two volcanoes that have some degrees of activity The Northern volcano erupted in 1981 and is still continually active Foreign investment helped to begin tourism and began from scratch They are planning on 100 sustainable and renewable energy

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