ASU ENG 101 - glee analysis w:d

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Paula Newton English 102 Mr Pegram Glee High School is a time where you learn more about yourself and the people you surround yourself with During that time you experience different things and make decision you may regret or be proud of High school is where you will create your most fondest memories In the hit television show Glee the students at William McKinley High School are in a glee club Where its members not only sing about relationships sexuality and social issues but they also deal with it on a day to day biases But is this show something we want young teenagers to watch Sometimes Glee goes to far when they are trying to make a point about certain teen issues But the show also does a good job of portraying good friends that have your back Glee is one of those shows that you can learn from but also make you question what their motive are Glee is about a group of misfit teenagers in a high school glee club What makes the cast of Glee so special is that all of the members are unique and different Thats what I love about the show Glee is that you don t just see one type of person you see a variety of people in the club There is the jock cheerleader asian girl african american girl a guy in a wheel chair and the girl with an eating disorder All of these people are friends that help one another when something is wrong In every episode of Glee their is a new teen issues that will be addressed Usually at the beginning of every episode one of the member of the glee club will bring the problem forward These issues range from sex sexuality relationship moral values family friends and exacter For example in season four episode eleven Sadies Hawkins Tina Cohen Chang convinces Blaine Anderson to organize a Sadies Hawkins dance to empower the female students Then glee club director Finn Hudson decides to have the females members perform to the person they want to invited to the dance and Tina sings I Don t Know How to Love Him for Blaine having developed a crush on him However sadly Blaine declines her invitation because he has developed a crush on Sam Evans At that time you really see how although Tina is disappointed that Blaine turned her down as a friend she is still by his side to help him This shows how great of a friend Tina is to Blaine and that she can set her feeling aside to help him In the end Blaine does decided to go the the dance with Tina as friends Everyday people face different challenges The same goes for the cast in Glee In season four episode twelve Naked Rachel who graduated from William McKinley High School and now goes to school in New York is asked to star in a student film In the film she learns the role requires her to be topless She decides to go threw with it even though her best friend Kurt don t support her Kurt then calls some of their friends from high school who was also in the glee club with them Quinn and Santana to convince Rachel not to do it Unfortunately after their talk Rachel still decides to do the film At the end of the episode you get to see how Rachel battles with the decision of should she go through with the nude seen or stick with her morals and beliefs and don t do it Personally I thought this scene in this episode was very enlightening because something like this happens to people everyday Not all the time do you get to see someone choose their career or morals and have their friends support them Although Glee is about high school students in high school dealing with normal teenage problems it does portray unrealistic expectation for kids who are not in high school In the show you never see the students in class learning or doing any homework This gives off the impression that in high school you don t really have any rules and your free to do whatever For instance in season four episode twelve naked the cast decides to do a all men calendar to help pay for a school trip In the calendar the guys have there shirts off and they are selling them around the school This would be unacceptable in high school in the real world There is no high school that would allow the girl students to take pictures of the boy students because Instead if a group or organization needed money to pay for a trip they would have to have a bake sale or fundraiser

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