Journalism 201 1st Edition Lecture 33 Outline of Last Lecture I The Well II Howard Rheingold III Turner IV Internet and Web Not the Same V World Wide Web VI Google Founded 1998 VII Page Rank Algorithm VIII Trent Lott 2002 IX Mobile Outline of Current Lecture I Is the US becoming more politically polarized II What is polarization III To sum up IV The role of media Action coordination mechanisms V Emerging media and polarization VI Political polarization VII Role of emerging media VIII Implications Current Lecture I II III IV V Is the US becoming more politically polarized What is polarization a Increased issue extremity b Political alignment c Affective phenomena To sum up a Increased issue extremity b Political alignment c Affective phenomena The role of media Action coordination mechanisms a Power b Market c Common understanding Emerging media and polarization These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute VI VII VIII a Deliberate potential of the Internet versus echo chambers Sunstein i Extreme views become more extreme ii Groups drift far away from each other Political polarization a Polarization as issue extremity b How to solve the guerilla issue in Colombia Role of emerging media a To sum up i Reduces extremity ii Increases perceived polarization b But why Implications a Most of us live in a world of perceptions not facts b And perceptions have consequences c Today many perceptions are mediated through online interactions d Understanding distortions is critical for understanding communication processes today
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