UW-Madison JOURN 201 - What is happening to our media system?

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Journalism 201 1st Edition Lecture 31 Outline of Last Lecture I George Gerbner II Cultivation III Cultivation s Common Cultural Environment IV Cultivation Research V Distortion of Perceptions Race VI Cultivation Theory s Mean World VII Merging Media and Reality VIII Consequences IX Key Point of Cultivation Research Outline of Current Lecture I What is happening to our media system II So what s new III Does it matter Key Questions IV Origins of the Digital Society V The Cold War VI ARPA VII Solution VIII Technological Determinism IX Government Sponsorship and private Sector Contributions X Computer Use XI Early 1980s XII Macintosh XIII What does a technology mean XIV San Francisco Bay Area XV Homebrew Computer Club Current Lecture I II What is happening to our media system a Technological change b Media eras or paradigms c Paradigm shift So what s new a Tools i You are holding them in your hand These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV V VI VII VIII ii There are many more beyond what we see iii And we ll see their origins in a minute b Systems or architectures i Broadcast vs networked c Culture i A digital culture Does it matter Key Questions a What happens to a society when its media change b What about when its media system changes c How do characteristics of a media system affect a society s functioning d Its culture Its power relations Its economy e There have been past changes in media systems such as f Gutenberg s press g The telegraph h Steam printing presses i Radio j Television k Satellite l But we do not yet know how the digital revolution is reshaping our society Origins of the Digital Society a Where did the Internet come from b World War II Massive government investment in research c Manhattan Project The Cold War a 1950s 1980s b USSR Advances in space and weapons c Nuclear arms race d Problem of Command and Control C C e What if our hub of operations and communications is nuked ARPA a Advanced Research Projects Agency b 1958 President Eisenhower c Government program d Mission exploratory research e Arpanet the Net that became the Internet Late 1960 s f later Darpanet Defense Solution a A network architecture would be more resistant to a massive strike than a typical centralized hierarchy Technological Determinism a The view that technology arises and affects people and societies irrespective of the contexts in which they occur IX X XI XII XIII b Contrast Technology arises in contexts with particular social political circumstances and is put to different uses depending on those circumstances Government Sponsorship and private Sector Contributions a Development of Internet is example of innovation leadership by public sector b Private sector is masterful at innovation but primarily in the near to medium term c innovations without near term profit potential are challenging for private sector d Government is often leader at more strategic visionary innovations i That s what happened with the Internet e Example in the 1970s Darpanet managers were envisioning more widespread applications f Offered management to IBM and AT T g Both declined saying they did not see a future in the protocols Computer Use a 1950s 1980 b Business military government us c Mainframes Early 1980s a Microsoft i Software only ii Licensed software to builders of hardware iii Like IBM iv Licensed to major computer manufactures v Many software options b Apple i Software and hardware ii All software must be specially written for hardware iii Integrated smoothrunning machines iv Fewer software options Macintosh a Graphical user interface Gui b Stolen from Xerow c Steve Jobs Good artists copy great artists steal d Mouse e But also computers are getting a new meaning f Apple 1984 What does a technology mean a Can a device have meanings attached to it b Values c Ideas Ideals d To many the Internet meant the future e Possibilities of the future XIV XV f Let s unpack San Francisco Bay Area a What was special about the Bay Area in the 1960s 1970s b San Francisco c Haight Ashbury d Silicon Valley e Stanford f Where counterculture meets high tech Homebrew Computer Club a 1975 1986 b Silicon Valley c Engineers computer scientists people who just though computers were cool d People who were in touch with the Bay Area counterculture

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UW-Madison JOURN 201 - What is happening to our media system?

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