Clemson BCHM 3050 - Electron Transport Chain and ATP Synthesis

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BCHM 3050 Lecture 36 Outline of Last Lecture I Alternate Oxidase in Plants II Aerobic Respiration ATP Synthesis III ATP Synthesis Terminology IV Three Sites in Electron Transport with Sufficient Energy Yield for ATP Synthesis V Stoichiometry of Respiratory Electron Transport Outline of Current Lecture I Stoichiometry of Respiratory Electron Transport II Proton Gradients III Chemiosmotic Theory IV ATP Synthase V Binding Change Mechanism for ATP Synthesis VI Glycerol 3 phosphate Shuttle VII Aspartate Malate Shuttle VIII Reduced Nucleotides Are Not Enough Current Lecture I Stoichiometry of Respiratory Electron Transport a About 104 protons in the intermembrane space for 1 molecule of glucose b Totals 8 NADH 80 protons 2 FADH2 12 protons 2 NADH from cytoplasm after glycolysis go through complex 2 3 and 4 not complex 1 2 x 6 protons 12 protons c 1 glucose 104 protons d NADH goes through complex 1 2 3 4 10 protons per 1 NADH e FADH2 goes through complex 2 3 4 6 protons per 1 FADH2 f Matrix has low proton concentration g Intermembrane space has high proton concentration h Matrix where pyruvate processing and TCA occur i Innermembrane Complex I IV ETC j Intermembrane space increase proton accumulation These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II III IV V k Very low pH and very high concentration of positive charges overload of positive charges is a proton motive source Proton Gradients a Imbalance of chemical charges will cause the charges to be pushed back to the matrix to even out the charges causing ATP to be synthesized Chemi Osmotic Coupling Theory b The movement of protons back into the matrix is known as the proton motive force Chemiosmotic Theory a The part of the enzyme sticking out of the matrix is what synthesizes ATP b Low pH and highly acidic space due to the high proton accumulation is located in the intermembrane space c Note secretion leakage of protons is due to the fact that the outermembrane is a bit more permeable to protons than the inner membrane d You can up tin certain molecules to disrupt the flow of protons back into the matrix e Big difference in the voltage in the matrix versus the intermembrane space ATP Synthase a NADH complex 1 makes 4 protons complex 2 makes 4 protons complex 4 makes 2 protons total of 10 protons b FADH2 enters complex 2 and makes 6 protons c Pyruvate Processing and TCA 8 NADH make 80 protons 2 FADH2 make 12 protons d 2 NADH in cytoplasm enters complex 2 and makes 12 protons e Total of 104 protons in the body f F0 is embedded while F1 is free floating g A and C work together to get the protons into the matrix h When proton gets into the C complex it will initiate movement of the rest of the complex i Beta active sites where reactions happen synthesis of ATP j 3 subunits of beta so can get 3 ATPs at the same time k Gamma expose beta to ADP and inorganic phosphate l Alpha regulatory site m Binding of protons happens through the interface of A and C and is released from C into the matrix Binding Change Mechanism for ATP Synthesis a 3 types of betas loose open and tight b When 1 proton enters the matrix ADP and inorganic phosphate bind and beta changes conformation from open into the loose form 2nd proton into the matrix changes beta to the tight conformation and beta synthesizes ATP 3rd proton the tight becomes open and releases an ATP VI VII VIII c Takes 3 protons to make 1 ATP from a beta 3 protons yields 1 ATP d Look over this picture but do not need to memorize it because there are some flaws Glycerol 3 phosphate Shuttle a Do not confuse glycerol 3 phosphate with glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate which is in glycolysis b Glycerol 3 phosphate Helps NADH generated during glycolysis enter the membrane tiny molecule that can easily pass through the mitochondria membrane will give its electrons to FAD in the process FADH2 which moves into Complex 2 c G3P is a reduced form of DHAP Aspartate Malate Shuttle a In TCA OAA gets converted to malate but in this shuttle malate gets converted to OAA b This shuttle produces and transports NADH which goes to complex 1 c This only happens in the liver d protons that can accumulate in the live per one molecule of glucose 112 H 32 ATP e Brain 104 H 30 ATP f Overall 30 32 ATP Reduced Nucleotides Are Not Enough a Need one more proton to come into the matrix in order for an inorganic phosphate to get inside of the matrix other 3 protons work the machinery must invest 4 protons to make 1 ATP b 104 protons 26 ATP via ETC made per molecule of glucose plus 4 ATPs made during substrate level phosphorylation 30 ATP made per one molecule of glucose c 26 ATP ETC 2 Glycolysis 2 TCA 30 ATP per molecule of glucose

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Clemson BCHM 3050 - Electron Transport Chain and ATP Synthesis

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