BCHM 3050 1st Editin Lecture 34 Outline of Last Lecture I Amphibolic Nature of the TCA Cycle II Summary of Glycolysis and TCA Cycle III Oxidation and Reduction IV Reduction Potential V Overview of Electron Transport Chain Outline of Current Lecture I Position of Four Complexes in Cristae Membrane II Important Biomolecules Involved in Respiratory Electron Transport III Complex 1 IV Complex 2 V Complex 3 VI Complex 4 VII Reduction Potentials Along Electron Transport Chain VIII Poisons are Inhibitors of Respiratory Electron Transport Current Lecture I Position of Four Complexes in Cristae Membrane a 1 molecule of glucose in the cytoplasm glycolysis produces a net yield of 2 ATP and 2 NADH H b In the mitochondria the citric acid cycle is carried out in the matrix 2 pyruvate acetyle CoA 2 NADH H 2 Acetyl CoA 6 NADH H and 2 FADH2 c Protons from NADH travel to the inter membrane space and used as energy trigger ATP synthesis d These complexes are stationary the complexes are full of proteins which accept protons from NADH and carry them onto other molecules e Oxygen is the last electron acceptor oxygen has the highest reduction potential f Complex 1 oxidized NADH back to NAD g Complex 2 succinate dehyrogenase generates FADH2 which gives up its electrons to other proteins h Complex 3 cytochromes gives up and takes electrons i Complex 4 cytochrome c oxidase is conserved across species j Oxygen gets protons at the end and is reduced to water These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II III IV V VI k This action happens in the inter membrane space Important Biomolecules Involved in Respiratory Electron Transport a Ubiquinone fluid in nature and moves through the membranes to carry the electrons more lipid than protein b Flavoproteins have bound FAD in them accept and give up proteins single or double electron proton transfers c Fe S Proteins non hemoglobin proteins single electron transfers d Cytochromes heme proteins single electron transfer e CoQ Ubiquinone f There are 4 electron transfers that happen with complex 1 g Complex 1 is rich in flavoproteins and iron sulfur proteins and ubiquinome never find cytochromes or copper in Complex 1 h Complex 2 succinate dehydrogenase complex FADH2 passes electrons to Fe S protein end up giving protons to CoQ receives electrons from FADH2 i Complex 3 contains Fe S proteins and cytochromes no flavoproteins j Electrons go to cytochrome C outside of complex 3 k Complex 4 has copper that accepts the electrons and donates them to oxygen to reduce it to water l Ubiquinone is the carrier that transfers electrons m Cytochrome C transfers electrons from Complex 3 to 4 Complex 1 a Complex 1 contains flavoproteins Fe S proteins and CoQ b Beta oxidation is oxidation of fatty acids that generates NADH c Accumulate 4 protons in the intermembrane space d When accepting electrons also accepting protons e For every NADH getting oxidized sending 4 protons from the matrix into the intermembrane space Complex 2 a Proton gradients are not established as a result of electron transport in at around complex II b Complex 2 succinate dehydrogenase complex c FaDH2 is converted to FAD which is transferred to Ubiquinone d NADH from glycolysis enters Complex 2 e Complex 2 does not generate any protons in the intermembrane space Complex 3 a Complex 3 the Q cycle has cytochromes and Fe S protein not flavoproteins the electrons come solely from ubiquinone not from NADH or FadH2 directly b In the end cytochrome C will get all of the electrons c 4 protons from Complex 3 from every NADH molecule d Ubiquinone is the only molecule that transfers electrons to complex 3 e Cytochrome C is only present in the intermembrane space Complex 4 VII VIII a Complex 4 is rich in copper and donates electrons to oxygen to get reduced to water b Accumulate 2 protons from 1 NADH c Accumulated 10 protons in the intermembrane space after all 4 complexes d Cytochrome oxidase is the enzyme present here evolutionary conserved Reduction Potentials Along Electron Transport Chain a NADH has the lowest reduction potential b NADH is lowest CoQ is higher then Cyt C and oxygen is the highest Poisons are Inhibitors of Respiratory Electron Transport a Antimycin is an anti fungal blocks electron transfers within complex 3 b Carbon monoxide blocks the transfer of electrons from copper to oxygen c Cyanide blocks electron transfer from copper to oxygen also d Barbituate truth serum inhibits transfer of electrons from Complex 1 to Complex 2
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