NRC 225 1st Edition Lecture 25 Outline of Last Lecture I Overview II Historical Perspective III Key attributes IV Adaption of trees V Types of Fire VI TRIAD for forest fire management Outline of Current Lecture I Streams II Insects in Streams III Canary and Coal Mine IV Stream Invertebrates V Ectothermic Organisms VI History VII TRIAD Current Lecture Fish Grow On Trees Streams First order streams tiny come together Second order when first comes together Third when second order comes together Brook Trout Camouflaged Eat insects from stream sit behind rock until they see something then eat it Wait for adult stages insect Mayfly Insects in Stream Mayflies Go through 3 5 stages to become adult These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Live for 24 36 hours only to reproduce and die Canary and the Coal Mine Accidents in mines methane would build up slight spark and the mine would explode Common canary was more sensitive to methane bring in to coal mine pass out Similar to bugs in the streams Stream Invertebrates Pollution Intolerant Stoneflies Mayflies Caddisflies Somewhat Pollution Tolerant Dragonflies and damselflies aquatic beetles crayfish scuds Pollution Tolerant Aquatic worms snails fly larvae leeches Ectothermic Organisms Body temp environment temperature Respiration rate is related to temperature Chemical reaction rates are related to temperature Oxygen Demand increases as temperature increases Oxygen supply decreases as temperature decreases Trees are fundamentally important source of carbon provider of shade and maintainer History When all the trees were cut down in 1600 s 1900 s lots of streams were run down 1990 No shade high temperatures less dissolved oxygen no bank stability lots of erosions little nutrients lots more pesticides 1994 restoration planting begins shade increases water temperature decreases more dissolved oxygen stream bank stability erosion sediment loading more nutrients looks healthy Six years later everything gets more favorable Chain reactions 25 year s later trees are 60 70 feet tall lots of shade TRIAD for watershed protection 1 Reserve areas Streams rivers Ponds lakes reservoirs Wetlands and vernal pools Riparian areas variable width No equipment access 2 Extensively Managed Areas Multiple use emphasis Silviculture for water Mainly uneven aged methods Limited road network Natural disturbance and active management shapes forest 3 Intensively Managed Areas Agroforestry High productivity for wood fiber Mainly even aged methods Intensive silviculture Water yield augmentation Little or no possibility of soil erosion
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