CMS357 1st Edition Lecture 15 I A B C D II III Factors that Affect Family Decision Making The Role of Children a A family with no children or many children alters the decision making of the family b Affect the types of decisions family makes c Play a role in the decision making process d Gender affects the decision making Gender a Men tend to engage in sentiment override than women if a man feels positively about something they will interpret their family partners behaviors in positive ways b Women have more difficulty provocation when partner makes a mean comment more reactive of that Individual Involvement a How do individuals regardless of their gender get involved the principle of least interest whoever cares less about the decision have more power b If you are more invested in the decision the more you care about the decision c Can change overtime Outside influences a Government finances job market daughter and swim team Defining Family Conflict Have some characteristics that are different than other types of conflict can t treat it the same A Close Physical Proximity B Changing relationships one sibling goes to college C Importance of family for support Conflict in different family relationships A Inter parental conflict the way parents handle conflict in front of kids can affect kids important for parents to act as good models of conflict if a child never sees conflict they have issues dealing with conflict later children that see their parents engage in negative conflict cases the child to fear conflict and assume all types of conflict is bad characteristics of negative parental conflict 1 2 3 4 5 Frequency Intensity Physical aggression Resolution The degree to which the conflict is resolved Focus on the conflict when kids are the conflict it is much for difficult for the child B Parent Child Conflict Triangulation the child gets involved when the parents discuss the issue B Sibling Conflict a Can be destructive when there is high negative affective behaviorlots of negative emotions
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