UW-Madison JOURN 201 - The "What" and "Why"

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Journalism 201 1st Edition Lecture 20 Outline of Last Lecture I Just Sell It Marketing Trends in Sports Guest Speaker Outline of Current Lecture I Defining Strategic Goals II The What III Target Marketing IV Why Segment V Demographics VI Geographics VII Psychographics Current Lecture VIII IX X Defining Strategic Goals a Not a simple question b Non usually to have people but more X or get people to vote for Mrs Y c Good goals are nuanced and specific d Two Fundamental questions i Who do you want to reach ii What do you want them to do The What a What do you want your target to do b Remember strat com is Communication designed to effect a change in belief attitude or behavior c So the what is typically a change in belief attitude or behavior Target Marketing a The WHO in who do you want to reach b Well who might you want to reach i Loyal devotees of your product ii People who have tried your product once but aren t regulars iii People who have heard of but never tried your product iv People who have never heard of your product c Processes of market segmentation d Cutting up the audience into pieces that have something in common by i Demographics ii Geographics These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute XI XII XIII XIV iii Psychographics iv Behaviors Why Segment a Increases efficiency of your ad budget b It s harder to reach mass audiences but possible to reach specialized audiences c And you can create a more effective appeal by tailoring your ad to i Upper middle class urban men aged 24 26 ii Middle class exurban women aged 36 54 Demographics a Age b Gender c Family status Single Married Divorced d Education e Occupation f Income g Race Ethnicity Geographics a Country state county city b Community size c Demographics of region d Change dynamics Growth Wealth changes Industries Psychographics a Psychological profile of people b What do they value c What are their attitudes toward things d How do they see themselves e How do they want to see themselves f Lifestyle

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UW-Madison JOURN 201 - The "What" and "Why"

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