Journ 201 1st Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture I Intro to Strategic Communication II Strategic Communication III Two Basic Types of Strategic Communication IV Advertising V Who Advertises VI What About Earned Media VII Where Advertising comes from VIII Advertising 1870 IX Post War 1940 s 1950 s X 1960 s 1970 s XI Advertising Today Outline of Current Lecture II Fundamentals of Strat Comm III 5 tep Strategic Thinking IV Market Research V 3 Research Techniques VI 2 Research Considerations VII Survey Research VIII Market Research Firm IX Old Spice example X Focus Groups XI Observation Ethnography XII Febreeze example Current Lecture I II III Fundamentals of Strat Comm 5 Step Strategic Thinking a Researching the landscape b Define Goals c Develop strategies and tactics d Execute campaign e Evaluate results Market Research a Developed from 1920 s These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute IV V VI VII VIII IX X b Hit its stride in 1960 s c Today a major industry d Questions to ask i Who is using what ii How are they using it iii Who is not using the product Why not iv What are their beliefs and attitudes about it 3 Research Techniques a 1 Survey b 2 Research Considerations c 3 Observational Strategies 2 Research Considerations a Representativeness i Depends on the size and the quality of the sample b Detail Survey Research a Call many people ask them about what they do b Large number of respondents c Built on statistical properties to enable representativeness d Dependent on accurate recall e Level of representativeness potentially high f Level of Detail pretty low Market Research Firm a Simmons Old Spice example a Look for i Where did market research inform this company ii How did they use that research insight to build creative responses b Old Spice s Problems Insights i Women buy more body wash than men ii Target is women iii 3 Issues they have to face 1 Increase competition for bod wash 2 Young men associate Old Spice with old men 3 Women do most of the purchasing of body wash Focus Groups a A facilitator collects respondents into a group b Ask questions listen to responses and interactions c Dependent on accurate recall d Reactions are in an artificial social context e Level of Representativeness Low f Level of Detail medium i Ability to build on social interactions Observation Ethnography XI a A researcher visits a person group and observes them b Opportunity to see what they actually do c Not dependent on accurate recall d Responses are in a genuine social context e Level of representativeness low f Level of detail high Febreeze example a 1993 Febreeze wasn t selling b Why i People don t smell their own smells c Febreeze sent researchers to the homes of people who did use Febreeze d These people were not using Febreeze to get rid of the occasional smell e Instead Febreeze had become habituary f Leveraging research Insight i Febreeze rebranded as a reward ii Not as a one off odor eliminator
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