UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Biomechanics

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Kin 100 1st Edition Lecture 14 Force Platforms cont use string gauges can be attached to bicycle pedals findings show beginner and amateur rides only apply force on the down stroke while pro riders apply force down and up can be used in rehabilitation Electromyography EMG muscle electrical activity action potentials single muscle fiber produces small electrical signal signals from entire motor unit and then entire muscle are summed large signal Simulation data collected from individual height weight etc then plugged into computer simulation can analyze technique and changes ie change angle of knee joint while running Applications of Biomechanics Why does a curve ball curve Magnus Effect a ball with no spin will go straight a ball with a spin will move in the direction of the spin high pressure area where ball is spinning backwards low pressure area where ball is spinning forwards objects move from areas of high to low pressure so the ball curves The Clap Skate Speed skating ice skate where the heel is not fixed to the skate only the toe is enables skater to skate faster These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute skate can be in contact with ice longer enables plantar flexion Biomechanics of swimming Bernoulli Principle more body out of water less resistance Forces in swimming propulsion pushing forward on water resistance opposing force lift raising body out of water gravity not as strong but still there Types of resistance frontal resistance tail suction eddy resistance skin friction Streamline minimizes resistance Muscle Mechanics muscles in parallel next to eachother muscles in series on top of each other muscle partitions Why use muscle models limitations of experiments safety legal ethical issues hazardous or painful fatigue Assumptions muscle fiber force muscle stiffness compliance change in force change in length

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UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Biomechanics

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