Journalism 201 1st Edition Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture II The Potential Conflict III Changes in 1980 s Economic IV Pressures on For Profit Media V Pressures from Advertisers VI Other Pressures VII Power VIII Kalle Lash and Ad busters IX Alternatives to For Profit Media X Contrast BBC XI Other Public Media XII Aren t They Controlled by the government Outline of Current Lecture II Alternatives to For Profit Media III Does Anyone Even Care IV Public Media Outcomes V Why Different Outcomes VI Non Profit Media VII Water Watch Project VIII Non Profit Governance Current Lecture I II III IV V Alternatives to For Profit Media Does Anyone Even Care a In western Europe one third or more of TV audience watches public media b Less so in U S Australia and Canada Public Media Outcomes a One study of public and private channels in UK France Germany and U S more extensive election coverage on public than commercial channels 2008 b Public service television gives greater attention to public affairs and international news and thereby fosters greater knowledge in these areas Why Different Outcomes a Less conflict between profit motive and public service motive Non Profit Media a A small but growing sector These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute VI VII b Largly in response to a decline in investigative journalism c Advantage can get behind the scenes of an investigative story and get indepth information d Funding comes from i Individuals ii Foundations iii Organizations iv Media Outlets Water Watch Project a Beneficial reuse of coal ash could contaminate drinking water statewide Non Profit Governance a Typically governed by an oversight board and organizational bylaws governing what they can can t do b Wisconsin Center example
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