UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Biomechanics

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KIN 100 1st Edition Biomechanics Lecture 13 Study of physical principles applied to biological systems Cognate areas Sports biomechanics Biomechanics of sports performance Pole vault gymnastics Rehabilitation Biomechanics of gait and injury Muscle and tissue mechanics Involves physiology and mechanics Aortic valve allograft heart valve Hamstring graft for ACL History of Biomechanics Isaac Newton Laws of motion Eadweard Muybridge Father of the motion picture Answered question do horses ever run with all legs off the ground used high speed cameras as horses ran past first motion picture Rules of Biomechanics Laws of Motion 1 Law of inertia An object in motion at rest will stay in that state unless acted upon by a force 2 Law of acceleration Force mass times acceleration f ma Momentum mass times velocity 3 Law of reaction For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction XC skiing hurdles volleyball Center of Mass com Location where body mass is in balance 3 different planes These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute COM changed with body position Equal forces on both sides minimizes stress Fosbury flop Most effective high jump Center of mass never goes over bar by changing body position Can clear higher bars Measurements in biomechanics Kinematics temporal and spatial components of movement Temporal movement happens over time Spatial movement over space Displacement Velocity displacement x time Acceleration velocity x time Kinetics forces during movement external forces head injury internal forces bone on bone shearing force Tools in Biomechanics electrogoniometer records joint angle put on joint and records joint angle during movement used in PT can be attached to braces Computerized video analysis newest motion analysis technology can compute velocity and acceleration of joints Force platform force transducer Fz vertical force body weight if still Fy anterior posterior forward backwards movement Fx medio lateral sideways movement

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UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Biomechanics

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