NRC 225 1st Edition Lecture 14 Current Lecture Gifford Pinchot and Theodore Roosevelt Leaders Gifford Pinchot Wealthy from logging father became businessman when timber ran out Went to National school of water and forests never received degree Only son from wealthy family spend time and money however he wishes A primer of forestry A forest large or small may render its service in many ways It may reach its highest usefulness by standing as a safeguard against floods winds snow slides moving sands or especially against the dearth of water in streams Protection Forest using a forest to stop the erosion from a mountain from destroying a Town at the bottom of the mountain Second American Forest Congress 1905 bunch of people who came together to talk about what could be done and now unlike the first American forest congress the president is interested and wants to take action Theodore Roosevelt Very sickly child I recognize the right of this generation to develop and use our natural resources but I do not recognize the right to waste them or to rob by wasteful use the generations that come after us Thought about government as a way to change daily life and future of Americans Younger president Before governor of New York he was police commissioner in New York City Single handily became the person who reformed NYC Founder of the Boone and Crocket Club club that scores trophy animals Raised his own regiment in the army the Rough Riders and led them straight up the San Juan Hill and survived during Spanish American War Youngest and most influential president we ve ever had A minor public official with direct access to President the new concept of conservation is the major part of Roosevelt s domestic policy Study Tour of the Inland Waterways Commission 1907 Goes on camping trips with John Burroughs and John Muir William McKinley President in 1901 Made Roosevelt vice president stop drawing attention to him Assassinated and replaced with Roosevelt Had to find Roosevelt first camping in the Adirondacks Some country judge swore him in as president of the U S Pinchot and men would identify untouched forests and make the national forest These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1908 the power of the pen Did it so quickly 200 million acres of national forest Land Grant to Railroads mid to late 1800 s Everyone hated the railroads and loved the idea of conservation Forced the issue by plopping national forests next to railroad land and trading Elers Koch of Czar Pinchot s Cossack Rangers Got a forestry degree from Yale Pinchot sends him back to Montana because he s familiar with it Mapping lots of national forests in Montana Expert forest men and respected by sheep farmers in area U S Forest Service established from Second Congress but it really came together during forest fires that burned through towns and villages People risk lives foresters to fight these fires Forest Conservation Round 2 TR defeated didn t get elected maneuvered out the door by own political party Started Bull Moose Party Pinchot fired made so many enemies no way he d survive Congress pushes back led by speaker of house Joseph Hammond Decides that what TR was doing was illegal Industry howls Graves promoted well organized avoided conflict no swear words Perfect example of bureacrat Public dithers confused was this a good idea or no Is conservation permanent or was it unsuccessful All could be lost
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