UMass Amherst NRC 225 - George Marsh
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NRC 225 1st Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Current Lecture I George Marsh II Effects of George Marsh III Relevance Current Lecture Conservation Leaders George Perkins Marsh Writer of Prophet of Conservation Woodstock Vermont late 1800 s Born in 1801 died 1882 James Marsh father well respected lawyer unusually well educated College education George learned how to read at 5 by sneaking into dads library difficult reads Starting to loose eyesight from reading so much had to lock it and kick him outside Started writing about the effects of peoples actions No one looked at the effects of all the axes Spoke and read 20 languages all European languages Lowenthal is a professor at Harvard and UCL wrote preface of book Saw the inherently destructive nature of our constant movement in America Wrote Man and Nature Phillips Academy did high school work in year Dartmouth bachelor degree at 17 Admitted to Vermont Bar read the law appointed to Vermont Exec Council 1843 1849 U S Representative Went the political route but too introvert and didn t enjoy it Marsh designed Washington monument Person behind Smithsonian in Washington Remount cavalry on camels instead of horses didn t work well Returned to Vermont in 1854 Believed the new world blindly follows the old world Lands that were too far gone With the disappearance of the forest all is changed Starts looking at damage to fish habitat damns logging forest destruction Asked to work on commissions and study these things planted seed for man and nature Went to Italy in 1861 to see if the new world was following the old found it was the case Write an and nature published in 1864 Died in Florence Italy These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Only person who had the intellect upbringing to bring Man and Nature together Effects of Marsh Franklin Hough brought the book to light to congress He is right if anything hes too conservative and its worse Eventually used this information to start Catskill and Adirondack Forest Preserve John Muir trying to save West Coast but published on East coast because that s were The people are Organic Act of 1897 The act provides that no national forest may be established except to improve and protect the forest or to secure favorable conditions of water flows and to furnish a continuous supply of timber Forest preserves start to pop up all over the country Pinchot ancestral home Grey Towers in Milford Pennsylvania Used for forestry conservation meetings today Pinchot made money on logging but then realized the effects What relevance have Marsh s environmental insights today 1 The inevitably of impact 2 The primacy of the unexpected 3 The singularity of human intent 4 The necessity of stewardship 5 The primacy of the amateur

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