UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Ergogenic Aids

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Kin 100 1st Edition Lecture 11 Ergogenic Aids A substance that might improve performance speed strength endurance speed of recovery Different Types Mechanical shoes swimsuits Pharmacological creatine steroids Physiological doping Nutritional vitamins Psychological cheering Testing Ergogenic Aids Hawthorne Effect people change their behavior when they know they are being watched These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute do people who are given a fitness monitor might go to the gym more frequently than they normally Placebo Effect People who believe they are receiving a treatment might see improvements even if they don t receive the actual treatment Experiment Set up Experimental group receive treatment ex receive weight loss pill Control group nothing changes receive no treatment Placebo group receive placebo receive sugar pill Want to see change in experimental group and not control or placebo Example Weight loss Pill Targeted for people with BMI over 30 obese graphs taken directly from lecture slides Does not work No weight loss Placebo effect Psychological change not due to pill so not success Time effect everyone lost weight over time not due to pill so not success Floor ceiling effect Limit on how much it can help pill can only help lose the first 10 lbs success but not completely not great Worse than nothing experimental group gets worse treatment has opposite effect experimental group gains weight Success Experimental group improves only experimental group loses weight Double blind study neither the participants nor the experimenters know who is in which group aim is to reduce bias from participator or experimenter not possible in all studies Potential Ergogenic Aids Diet food and fluid intake best method eating nutritious food consume nutrients through meals more natural easier to absorb Practice eating regimen for a competition before the competition Vitamins water soluble no accumulation in body C B important for exercise and muscle tissue repair fat soluble stay in body can overdose solved by correct intake A D Mineral Supplements Calcium bones Iron hemoglobin Reasons for using Ergogenic Aids low pH acidic exercise decreases pH in body Alkaline salts basic act as buffer equalize blood pH normally 7 4 can drop to 6 8 bicarbonate baking soda useful for short bursts of intense activity lactic acid generated 2 4 min more helpful in untrained individuals Pain analgesics pain killers NSAIDS nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs aspirin blocks FFA release detrimental to endurance performance cells can t repair themselves don t gain same benefits implications for injury heart attacks can further any injury if pain is not felt kidney damage gastrointestinal bleeding Increase endurance caffeine improves FFA utilization bad increases HR and BP good spares muscle glycogen by increasing CHO absorption may reduce fatigue perception limitations normal amount is allowed for college athletes can lead to heart issues affects myocardial circulation can be addicting Carbo loading deplete glycogen stores 1 wk before race hard training run exhaust self during week before taper off activity high carb diet night before increases muscle glycogen can take energy gels during race Increase muscle mass protein loading help repair and rebuild diet increase proteins decrease CHO and fats Protein powders many different options potentially hazardous can affect kidney dehydration weight gain not useful for everyone good for those increasing or starting exercise vegans don t always get enough protein from normal diet 9 essential amino acids can t be produced by body branched chain amino acid r group high quality proteins anabolic steroids limited to clinical use ex AIDS patients muscle atrophy short term effects rebuild muscle Androstenedione steroid hormone increases testosterone increases strength Banned NCAA Problems increases chances of cardiovascular disease closure of growth plates in adolescents liver aggression mood changes Creatine mechanism CP ADP ATP Creatine immediate energy more creatine increase in CP high in meats and fish most beneficial in individuals with low creatine vegetarians floor vs ceiling effect helpful to a certain point idea increase CP increase strength no endurance benefits problems increases dehydration increases likelihood of kidney damage Increase O2 in muscles Erythropoietin EPO increase red blood cells normal blood plasma 55 white blood cells platelets 1 red blood cells 45 doped blood plasma 50 white blood cells platelets 1 red blood cells 50 O2 dissociation curve increased intake of O2 doesn t help if red blood cells are full need to increase red blood cells to have an effect blood doping reinject blood cells from before to increase number of red blood cells regulated in sports and competitions Other hypnosis no proven benefit mental imagery imagining activity useful for learning The future genetic manipulation myostatin gene regulates proteins prevents too much child without gene can develop fully functional muscles very easily

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UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Ergogenic Aids

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