UMass Amherst NRC 225 - Catskill Forest Preserve
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NRC 225 1st Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Catskill Location II Forest Preserve III The Push Pull IV People and the Catskills V How do you get to the Catskills VI Tannery s in the Catskills VII Catskill Preservation Outline of Current Lecture I Improvement II Quotes to think about III 1900 to 2000 Current Lecture Because of conservation the forests are improving and growing back from logging Forests look the worst in 1920 Improve from 1900 2000 Since 1970 the forests have been decreasing once again less easily seen rate One building lot at a time Quotes to think about Some environmental damage is the price of progress But the price could be bigger than you think polluting water for an entire community where conflicting interests must be reconciled the question will always be decided from the standpoint of the greatest good of the greatest number in the long run Gifford Pinchot 1905 We name things after what we just destroyed unknown The illusion of preservation we think that we see trees so it s all good 1900 to 2000 We have twice as many forests These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Three times as many people Using more water energy wood and other natural resources 200 years ago bathe once a week wear clothes for couple of days Now we bathe everyday wash clothes once a week What if Native people were largely immune to disease Would have survived for longer bigger armies NE tribal groups were more like the Apache White pine was weak and brittle Wouldn t have become property of Europeans maybe the Civil War wouldn t Have occurred The soil was deep with few if any stones People would have abounded NE land to go to OH Mexico won Mr Polk s War Wouldn t have had the gold rush because it was all owned by Mexico Slavery was ended by an Act of Congress Wouldn t have been a completely missing generation Industrialization wouldn t have happened so rapidly US emulated European land use and transport US would use common land for agricultural use and other land is preserved Europe has better transportation methods train Families could have one car more fuel efficient Better railway system a lot less trucks to transport goods

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