UMass Amherst NRC 225 - Catskills
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NRC 225 1st Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Loss of Wood II How they got wood from point A to point B III New technologies Outline of Current Lecture I Catskill Location II Forest Preserve III The Push Pull IV People and the Catskills V How do you get to the Catskills VI Tannery s in the Catskills VII Catskill Preservation Current Lecture Climate change Neutral or positive outcomes why are people fighting it Catskill Mountains are in New York about 3 or 4 hours from UMass Lots of trees and very few people Catskill Forest Preserve where conflicting interesting must be reconciled the question will always e decided from the standpoint of the greatest good of the greatest number in the long run Gifford Pinchot Push Pull Preservation Conservation Utilization Spiritual Aesthetic Necessary Practical History Tradition Existence values Monetary Values Not in my backyard Get off my land it s a free country I ll do what I want People and the Catskills These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Europeans enter into this part of the landscape with Henry Hudson Trying to find Northwest Passage to China Got to Glen s Fall Albany and had to turn around Began fur trade as they went up the river Washington Irving First American writing of Cascades Rip Van Winkle James Fennimore Cooper another famous writer The Leatherstocking Tales Set in Catskills vividly described the landscape John Burrows first bonified American naturalist who perfected the style of writing in journals publish them as essays Friends with Thomas Edison Henry Ford Harvey Firestone The Hudson River School Thomas Cole painter Asher Durand painter all went there The art and the literature combine see fictional characters in paintings of landscapes People can stay in Catskill Mountain House in the early 1900 s instead of camping Zadock Pratt local luminary had very little education but rose to congressman Proposed survey for transcontinental railroad Town where manufacture was located is named after him How do you get to the Catskill 2 weeks to get there by the Hudson River until liners came alone Basically equivalent to modern day cruise ships Hendricks Hudson Hudson River Day Line 390 feet long 5 200 feet long top speed of 25 miles per hour Had a salon on the boat Another liner Washington Irving writing Writing Room in the boat very elegant people write about how great the boat is and boat gets free advertising Ulster Delaware Railroad List of over 1 000 hotels and boarding houses people rent out house 3 4 hours from Penn Station in New York City Made Catskills a lot more accessible Put the railroad right along the river Tannery s in the Catskills Prattville Tannery Zadock Pratt finest leather in the world Tanneries located in Catskill b c of the acid tree bark eastern Hemlock 250 000 hemlocks when they started and when they were done was 90 gone Called dinosaur bones cut trees with bark peeled off Bark Peelers were very organized like loggers 500 000 hides required 100 000 cord of bark Now it s a virgin forest second growth Streams said to be polluted beyond recovery Messed up the New York water supply from dumping in waste from tanning Catskill Preservation Acquired in 1909 Within 15 20 years the land started to recover Started the process to were we are today More and more state land added NYC water supply is there

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