CMS 357 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures What is the definition of a system Definition of system a set of components that relate to one another to form a whole Looks at individual in the context of a system to fully understand the individual you must look at the system What are the characteristics of a family system A Interdependence B Wholeness C Patterns of Self Regulation D Interactive Complexity and Punctuation E Openness F Complex Relationships systems within the systems G Equifinality systems are characterized by if you can accomplish the same outcomes ability to get same goal with different methods family system can accomplish affection is different ways quality time for example accomplish same levels of love and support in different ways Explain family rules creates regularity and coordinates meaning if you don t follow the rule there is feedback to get you back on track coordinate meaning rules against things create meaning through rules because it shows what the meanings of those things are we don t smoke because smoking is bad What are the types of rules 1 What you can and can t talk about 2 How you talk about things and the way in which you talk about topics 3 When we talk about stuff 4 Who you can talk to Explain the ways in which rules are maintained maintained through communication 1 Maintence feedback the look correcting 2 Change feedback grandma says bad word or brings up the topic supposed to not be talked about Explain the meanings of intimacy Gender 1 Women share more 2 Women disclose more negative personal stuff Partner Relationships 1 Self disclosure leads to satisfaction 2 Dual career couples disclose more to their friends than married men do 3 Married women disclose more to their friends than married men do What are family stories Stories that represent your family experience but also teach you about rules Coordinate meaning and create regularity Ideal stories and actual stories Ex men grow up and take care of the family What are the Family Communication Networks A The Chain one person tells one person and so on B Y a couple people know then the one central person knows and then it goes the chain C Wheel one person is in the center and they just tell everybody D All channels everyone blabs to everyone no specific pattern here What are the Components of Social Exchange Theory It is an economic theory of how to look at relationship Depends party on your ability to maximize your rewards and minimize your costs What are the types of rewards 1 Types of rewards love security economic emotional support financial support instrumental support network support 2 Cost burden and stress to meet expectations responsibility time commitment embarrassing massive conflict What is comparison level of expectations What you expect those relationships to be like what does mine look like in comparisoncompare your ideal and expectations and do they live up to that Families should be supportive should provide some financial support What are the investments a How much you put into the relationships Time Emotions Moneyinfluence how you feel about the relationships b How Social Exchange Works ii Equation 1 Rewards cost outcomes good minus the bad is the outcome iii Equation 2 Outcomes comparison level satisfaction iv Equation 3 Satisfaction Comparison Level for Alternatives Investment Commitment You put in investment you feel like you put a lot into it so you might be more committed If you don t think you have a lot of alternatives you may be more committed even if you are not that happy You could have a good family from everyone else s perspective but to you you have higher expectations What are the three equations within the social exchange theory 1 Rewards Costs Outcomes 2 Outcomes Comparison Level Satisfaction 3 Satisfaction Comparison Level of Alternatives Investments commitment When do you expect cheating and how do you react HIGH CL and HIGH ClaLt did not expect it and you would leave LOW CL and High CLALT expected it and will leave High CL and Low CLalt did not expect and stay in relationships Low CL and Low CLalt expected it and does not leave What are the comparison levels of alternatives v What alternatives can you get vi Here are the relationships I think I can get it is what my alternatives are vii Example I think romantic relationships are supportive and relatively satisfying but I don t think I can get one of those relationships viii These levels may match but may not ix This is perceived by social exchange theory affected by certain circumstances in Alaska you don t have many alternatives than if you were a guy living in NYC with many alternative partnersbut you could perceive you had a lot since you are great influence by what is around you x Based on self esteem xi In family situations completely different than when dealing with friendships What are the meanings of intimacy 1 Self Disclosure and Sexuality Explains how came you keep investing in the family Self Disclosure you get more intimate the more you disclose to the other person relationships get more close and intimate the more personal information that is exchanged peel back the onion to create more intimate relationship Explain the components of self disclosure 1 Gender 2 Partner Relationships 3 Partner Child Relationships a Moms receive more disclosure than dads do since mom commonly spends more time with their children b If Dad happens to be more nurturing than the children will disclose more to their dads c As kids get older they begin to disclose more to their best friends and less to their parents Explain Sexuality and Parent Child Communication Research shows that parents and children don t often address the topic of sex characterized into three different groups o Three Types of Parent Child Communication Neglectful low communication discussion about sex when it does happen it is abstract and indirect no link about topic and personal experience Abusive closed rigid structure not a lot of communication with extended family system is closed often internal boundary confusion in extreme cases boundary confusion incest when abusive families talk about sex it tends to be indirect and abstract they don t want to address the issue functional for abuser to not talk about it and stay indirect this is what allows the abuse to continue Healthy Family respects both genders appropriate boundaries clear and effective communication about sex Explain Partner Communication Communicating directly and being open
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