Cms 357 1st Edition Lecture 8 Current Lecture I Parents Today The parenting roles conflicts with the work role do not usually mesh well 1 What do you do with kids if they are sick from school 2 Today parenting requires techniques that were different in the old and days you use to spank your children timeouts many versions of this break from electronics sitting in the corner no sitting with friends saying no without saying no actually 3 Raising our children in conflicting societies Sex and drug questions Diverse culture Homosexuality different parents World events 4 Emphasis on the malleability of children Parents feel pressure that they need to create a perfect environment Influence of the media Trying to restrict who the children interact with socially trying to prevent the children to hear too much 5 Experts on childhood often disagree about what they should do example ADHD diagnosis weather or not you should spank at what age do you let them cry it out 6 Parent s authority is questioned Because of diversity school may question the authority Teenagers may give less respect than before more vocal 7 Adults today have to take care of their parents and their children sandwich effect since they are living longer 8 Different family forms can make parenting challenging II Images of Mom and Dad A General Differences Moms tend to be more nurturing and engage in more of the hands on responsibilities more constantly present than dads Dads are seen as helping the mom would child care more than 20 years ago but overall not the primary child care person dads are more seen as the playmate dads tend to go more freely more acceptable for the dad to come home later B Moms 1 Fun easy going some fun moms let kids drink at the house mom that as seen as more of the friends zip line and activities more comfortable to share information with this mom 2 Involved available when the child needs the mom nurturance lots of playing with the child often not too overly preoccupied with career preparing baby food at home you could have involved fun mom or not at all helicopter parents 3 Traditional devoted to home making wanting to make a nice space for the family disciplinary person keeping things on schedule keep the child neat and clean keeps it going for the image purpose but may not be that involved with the children taking care of the traditional functions 4 Protective mom very concerned of protecting the child from harm and illness putting child s needs before theirs staying up worrying when their child is out 5 Knowledgeable knows when child should reach developmental realistic expectations of the child what should happen during the time of life seeing knowledge and understanding child s question C Dads 1 disciplinarian the one your afraid of 2 peter pan only there for fun more of a friend always playing 3 traditional provider teaches you life stuff what he says goes 4 cad cheating driving cool car having affairs shitty 5 distant does not interact much with the kids generally imply that mom knows whats going on more than any of the dad types having more intimate relationships than the dads might
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