Clemson BCHM 3050 - Cruciform DNA and Gel Electrophoresis

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BCHM 3050 1st Edition Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture I Super Coiling of DNA II Packaging of Eukaryotic DNA III RNA vs DNA IV Types of RNA V Transfer RNA VI Ribosomal RNA VII Griffith s Experiment VIII Avery MacLeod McCarty Experiment IX Griffith and Avery s Experiment X Hershey and Chase Experiment Outline of Current Lecture I Information Processing II Cruciform DNA III EcoR1 Restriction Site IV DNA Gel Electrophoresis V Sanger Sequencing Current Lecture I Information Processing a The 4 bases are the same in eukaryotes and prokaryotes b Bases code for certain proteins c Even identical twins do not have the same exact DNA over time as it is altered by the environment d Process by which DNA is converted to RNA is transcription e RNA Protein occurs via translation These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II III IV V Cruciform DNA a Cruciform DNA cross like DNA structures that form when DNA contains a palindrome b Palindrome should read the same top on the top and the bottom strand can be slightly staggered c Palindromes produce the cross like DNA structures EcoR1 Restriction Site a Recognize palidrome cut palnindrome create gaps Sticky ends in DNA sequence of the host b DNA is now opened to allow bacteria to come in a integrate into the genome of the host DNA c Restriction enzymes cut the palindrome d Circular piece of DNA in bacteria plasmid e Plasmids have many palindromes where enzymes can come in a cut the DNA that allow them to change and adapt DNA necessary for the creation of drugs etc f Plasmids also have certain genes g Modified genes can be inserted in plasmids DNA Gel Electrophoresis a DNA is not visible even under a microscope b Buffer conducts electricity c Make use of the negative charge of DNA d Negative charge at one end of the gel and positive charge at the other end e When electricity is turned on the DNA will migrate towards the positive end of the gel DNA is separated in agarose f Ethidium bromide carcinogen compound that can bind to DNA on the minor group stick to it and when shine UV light the ethidium bromide with pick up the light and shine white light g Agarose is used to make a gel to attract DNA in it h Lane 7 contains a marker used as a comparison to determine the molecular weights of the other DNA pieces used for comparison purposes i Smallest pieces of DNA will move the farther fastest j DNA will separate according to size largest will stay on top and smallest with move to the bottom Sanger Sequencing a Often pieces on the top of the gel are thicker than those on the bottom but if you see a thick band on the bottom then it is likely that two pieces are overlapping each other b Palindrome is recognized by the restriction site

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Clemson BCHM 3050 - Cruciform DNA and Gel Electrophoresis

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