Journalism 201 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I In the news today II Details on UW Cuts III What Happens next IV What can you do Outline of Current Lecture II A Brief History of Fact Checking III Titles throughout the process IV New Type of fact checking has developed V What do fact checkers do VI How do huge errors claims get published Current Lecture I II III IV A Brief History of Fact Checking by Lucas Graves a Barack Obama i Rumor of him being born in Kenya ii Writer stated the error was by her iii This example is why fact checking is so important Titles throughout the process a Proofreader A person who reads text in proof in order to find and mark errors or correction b Copy Editor one who edits copy for printing c Fact Checker a person who verifies the factual accuracy of an article before publication i In the New York Times they have to put a red check next to every word ii Now days they have reduced the department which leads to more mistakes because reporters or editors have to do the fact checking New type of fact checking has developed a Very lively and may cause a lot of unnecessary drama b Fact checking websites i Factchecking org ii Politifact com c This has become a national trend What do fact checkers do a They take an error and turn it into a follow up article addressing the claim These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute V b They add links to where the right information can be found How do huge errors claims get published a They don t have time to check the facts b Some feel it s better to report what the politician said because if they challenge it people could think they re bias c Politicians would start excluding the company from their group if you addressed their errors therefore they need to protect their access
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