UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Subdisciplines

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Lecture 2 Sport and exercise psychology How is the mind connected to human movement What psychological factors contribute to injury Why do some exercise programs fail What mindset is important during performance How does the brain control circulation Respiration Sports medicine Issues regarding sports injury disease and treatment Who gets injured What factors influence physical fitness What injury or disease factors limit performance How are injuries prevented What new treatments benefit human movement What new factors produce injury proneness Basic vs Applied Research both basic and applied are necessary Basic research mathematics Somewhat applied research biochemistry very applied research physical fitness Example strength training Basic Math Can we describe muscle contraction mathematically Biophysicist How do individual muscle molecule produce force Neuromuscular physiologist How does the nervous system coordinate muscle contraction Sports scientist What is the optimal strength training technique Athlete How can I achieve great muscle strength Applied Continuum of Movement Performance Subnormal Performance Typical Normal Supernormal Physically impaired Athlete disabled injuries All sections of spectrum are studied advantages and disadvantages The Nature of Evidence Anecdotal evidence newspapers media internet goal is to interest the reader not always correct factual Scientific evidence data from experiments and studies Goes through process experiment data analysis new knowledge panel of experts published Who is an expert scientific expert already published has knowledge in area of research Inappropriate research methods testimonials statement claiming fact I tried this and lost 30 pounds is 30 days Statistical misuse of information lying with statistics Twice as effective 1 effective and 2 effective are not that different Statistical notations Average mean sum of all values divided by number of values difference Final value initial value divided by the initial value Anatomical terms medial toward the midline lateral toward side ipsilateral same side contralateral otherside anterior front of body posterior back of body Muscles bicep muscle forearm flexor tricep muscle forearm extensor quadriceps anterior thigh 4 different muscles hamstring posterior thigh multiple muscles Other terms agonist the muscle performing the action antagonist muscle that opposes the action synergist muscle that helps the action Muscle actions Flexion bend extension straighten

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UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Subdisciplines

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