CMS 357 1st Edition These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Lecture 1 Is the family in decline I Arguments for 1 more divorce compared to the 1950s 1960s data proves this i of children today live in un intact families ii some experience multiple divorce 2 children who grow up in single parent or step family households are less successful in school have behavior problems make less money as adults 3 our values of cultures family have changed a cohabitating 4 5x b sex before marriage in committed relationships c interracial and interracial couples d more open and accepting of homosexuality e attitude about divorce has changed there use to be a big stigma with divorce f of advantages of children study of her own patients problems not sample that is random i kids get more attention clear stability easier authority structure II Problems and Concerns with those arguments 1 older studies had no comparison group professor saw problems with children of divorce study of her own patients the problem is this was not a random sample of people 2 comparison groups are inappropriate 30 years ago study of kids from divorce and intact families intact families are also dysfunctional many husband and wife stay together and fight a lot kids could be better in a divorced and stable household 3 we sometimes have unidirectional causality i since people are more accepting why not get divorced ii See more people engage in homosexual causal of direction more accepted because more are behaving 4 assuming that acceptance means being positive divorce i not more positive of divorce studies show that teachers look down at divorce negative assumptions ii many states still prohibit same sex marriage not positive of homosexual and cohabitation either the institution of marriage is still very important 5 problem is we assume issues about family structure what is outcome variable to look at a Example looking at a happy or unhappy family that is intact would be family dynamics kids and drug use teens in single mother families have 33 chance of having a drug problem with kids that have fair to poor relationships with their fathers have 68 higher rate of drug use
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