SOC101 1nd Edition Lecture 22 Outline of Last Lecture I TA Lecture will be on the test Outline of Current Lecture II Disabilities Studies ADA Americans with American Disabilities Act passed in 1990 III IV Prohibited discrimination against people with disabilities Social Model vs Medical Model Social model people with a disability are not allowed to participate in society Medical Model problematic individual that needs to be cured making a medical problem out of it Disciplinary Influences on Disability Studies Sociology Cultural Studies have to use the words that men disability to mean negative ex The economy is crippled History V Collective behavior and Social Movement People minimize costs maximizes business VI Examples of Social Movements Civil Right Movement Abolitionist Movement Fascist Movement Women s Right Movement Communism Movement Enviromental Movement Disability Movement etc VII 3 main elements of Social Movement 1 Campaigns sustained publicized effort These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best Used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 2 Repertoires of convention the stuff movements do to get their point across 3 WUNC displace W Worthiness U Unify N Number C Commitment VIII Decline Privilege Theory some people get involved in social movements when they see privileges lessen enjoy privileges by society People at risk IX Weather Underground violent overthrow declared war on the US government Why 2 reasons IMPERIALISM and Vietnam War X Mass society why people get involved in social movements big complex society promote isolation isolation alienation XI Prochoice Prolife 2 very remarkable sustained social movements both proactive movements not reactive XII Chapter 22 READ IN TEXTBOOK Current Lecture
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