Jour J 110 1st Edition Lecture 22 Outline of Last Lecture I Ethics II Ethical Principles Outline of Current Lecture I Purpose of Ethical Reasoning II The Potter Box III Case Study 1 IV Case Study 2 V Case Study 3 Purpose of Ethical Reasoning To draw responsible conclusions that yield justifiable actions The Potter Box The Potter Box is an approach to thinking through ethical actions Developed by Ralph Potter Why do we need this Because people in power are lying to us all the time GM Scandal Takata airbags The Potter Box forces us to Get the data facts straight Investigate our values Articulate an appropriate principle We make values explicit with the Potter Box Ensures that out interpretation of events or decisions are NOT based on hidden or unknown prejudices We often feel passionately about our values How it works Define the situation Describe important values Identify ethical principles Resolve conflicts of loyalties First define your role Journalist Victim Passive Observer Consumer Other All of the above Case Study 1 At your university all students are required to own computers and use the same software The manufacturer of the software has allowed it to be copied only once but a group of students have found a way around that enabling students to share the software for free You discover their identities and arrange an interview They do not want their names used The campus police read your story and want the students names because they are breaking copyright laws An attorney for the manufacturer also calls wanting the students names Would you identify the students Would you change your mind when lawyers begin to talk about jailing you Case Study 2 Photojournalist Kevin Carter Famine in Sudan Case Study 3 Georgia 40 of children are obese Less than 25 of Georgia parents of obese children realize their children are obese A Children s Healthcare of Atlanta began an ad campaign to jump start weight loss in children The children volunteered to audition for the ads Public health scholars question whether or not these ads are doing more harm than good The hospital has asked for your opinion as a marketing professional should the ad be run or not
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