UH KIN 3304 - Pulmonary Physiology

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KIN 3304 1nd Edition Lecture 27 Outline of Last Lecture I Angiotensin II Pleural Cavities and Membranes III Pleural Cavity IV How can I estimate VJ and 40 yard sprint time by measuring FVC V Pulmonary Ventilation VI How Do We Breath VII Diaphragm VIII 3 Flexes Regulating Respiration IX Older is Not Always Better Outline of Current Lecture I Muscles of Inspiration II Muscles of Expiration III Muscles of Inspiration and Expiration IV Spirometry V Lung Volume and Capacities Chart VI Numbers VII Fick s Equation Current Lecture These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Possible TQ Why is it that the partial pressure of O2 in the ambient air at sea level is 159 mmHg while in the alveoli it is 105 mmHg I Muscles of Inspiration a Accessory Muscles i Sternocleidomastoid elevates sternum ii Scalenus Anterior Middle Posterior elevates and fix upper ribs b Principal i External intercostals and parasternal intercartilaginous muscles elevates ribs ii Diaphragm increases longitudinal dimension of chest elevates lower ribs When you run that s active breathing and this uses a lot of muscles When you re just sitting that s passive breathing and this primarily uses the diaphragm II Muscles of Expiration a Quiet Breathing i Expiration results from passive recoil of lungs b Active Breathing i Internal intercostals III Muscles of Inspiration and Expiration a Look at the picture of what muscles are used as a reference IV Spirometry a Measures how much air is being moved b Trace paper isn t very common anymore V Lung Volume and Capacities Chart ON FINAL a How does asthma affect the chart b How does stuff change as you get older i When you re older you don t have that much capacity ii FEV1 goes down iii Tissues become stiffer iv Total lung capacity decreases just a little bit c TQ How does exercising affect total lung capacity i Tidal volume changes when you breath ii Changes during exercises increase VI Numbers a Partial pressure of ambient air i PH2O at sea level 760 mmHg 1 O2 20 93 2 0 2093 x 760 159 mmHg ii PCO2 0 2 mmHg 0 03 x 760 0 2 mmHg iii PN2 600 mmHg 79 04 x 760 VII Fick s Equation a Example of a possible TQ You start someone on an aerobic exercise program What is going to happen to each variable and why i Q 1 Stroke volume will increase 2 Maximum heart rate will not change 3 Etc

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UH KIN 3304 - Pulmonary Physiology

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