UB SOC 101 - Review day Exam 2

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SOC 101 1st Edition Lecture 17 Outline of Current Lecture I Stigma Erving Goffman any characteristics that ll discredit someone 1 Physical scars piercings marks etc 2 Personal criminal background mental illness 3 Tribal group membership e g religion II Normalizes violence against women A Pictures of women as being vulnerable in violence shows that violence is acceptable to women II Police feminity by the word fag is not used to describe masculinity rather than feminity III Men s work is always more valued IV Status closure when a group is in power they create and reserve identities through creating or hiring people like them V Double Bind gender stereotypes can create several problems in women in leadership e g women act assertive they are known as bossy and mean BUT when a man is assertive he is known as strong and a leader VI Medicalization of deviance as a society we make deviance a medical matter VII Who is poor A Not distributed evenly B Race Ethnicity C Feminization of poverty single female husbands D Elderly people less likely to be poor VIII Glass ceiling invisible barrier from reaching higher status power IX Glass escalator rapid advancement of men typically in jobs X Color blind redirect we don t see color race anymore because of the Civil Rights Movement when talked about it Dominant group still remains in power XI Internalizing dominant norms when people learn to be prejudice to their own XII Bechdel test A test feminist use to show two women in a conversation that are not talking about males movies and other forms of media XIII Status composition poverty leads to higher stress which causes bad health XIV Race all pure races in reality there isn t a myth These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best Used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute XV What is the difference between cultural and social structures A Cultural structure defined goals interests e g In America getting a good job is success B Social Structure legitimate ways was to achieve the cultural goals e g In America working hard and going to college XVI Contact theory idea that people have race causes a reduction in prejudice XVII Function of prejudice A Functionalist serves to bring about group solidarity us vs them B Conflict theorist allows dominant group to keep their power completion for resources they want to take something from us C Symbolic Interactionists how we interpret symbols applying labels increases selective perception Selective Perception tend to notice the label more noticing more the people with that label XVIII Deviance amplification identify them as deviant the process of deviance in the slides XIX Jay Smooth we all have racism we just need to keep constantly checking to reduce it DISCRIMINATION ANY ACTION SEGRAGATION SEPARATE GROUPS GENDERS PREJUDICE THE ATTITUDE DEATH PENALTY BIAS Race is HUGE more African Americans than whites Income based on wealth more wealth won t see the death penalty Gender rare for women Region the South executes more people generally When men take on what is known to be women s work the men get PAID MORE XIXI Functionalist vs Conflict Theorist Perspectives

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