WSU HBM 235 - Tourism Policy and Organizations

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HBM 235 1st Edition Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture I Environmental Impacts of Tourism Outline of Current Lecture Current Lecture Monday Test 2 Review Session Wednesday Test 2 Ch 2 3 7 15 Ch 3 Tourism Policy and Organizations I Government s Role in Tourism A Tourism Policy strategy and priorities social goals economic goals 1 Yap tourism commission Tourism development must be designed so that it will renew strengthen and preserve the culture of Yap Attract certain types of tourists that are compatible with Yap culture B Tourism Coordination 1 Tourism Policy Setting and planning Growth strategy Balancing triple bottom line Foreign Investment Land Tenure Infrastructure and architecture 2 Architecture Policy Regulations Examples No buildings higher than tallest tree No high fences obstruct view Architecture uses local style Materials roof color Eco friendly Architecture pollution development of new architectural forms may not be compatible with local environment or heritage C Rational vs Traditional 1 Rational way of thinking calculated efficiency technical superiority 2 Traditional Intrinsic value meaning 3 Tourism Legislation and Regulation Passports visas Visa Waivers Spending requirements Bhutan 250 per day Tourist access restrictions Protected area permit India 4 Tourism Operations Gov t owned airlines Most government owned airlines do not survive Gov t owned hotel chains 5 Tourism Development Stimulation and Control Stimulate investment Tax holiday deferred payment of taxes Low interest loans reduce interest project must pay Forgivable loans loans may all part of loan if certain conditions are met Tariff remission removes import duties on goods required for a project Equity participation gov t buys equity shares stock in a project Monday Test 2 Review Session Wednesday Test 2 Ch 2 3 7 15 Ch 3 Tourism Policy and Organizations I Government s Role in Tourism A Tourism Policy strategy and priorities social goals economic goals 1 Yap tourism commission Tourism development must be designed so that it will renew strengthen and preserve the culture of Yap Attract certain types of tourists that are compatible with Yap culture B Tourism Coordination 1 Tourism Policy Setting and planning Growth strategy Balancing triple bottom line Foreign Investment Land Tenure Infrastructure and architecture 2 Architecture Policy Regulations Examples No buildings higher than tallest tree No high fences obstruct view Architecture uses local style Materials roof color Eco friendly Architecture pollution development of new architectural forms may not be compatible with local environment or heritage C Rational vs Traditional 1 Rational way of thinking calculated efficiency technical superiority 2 Traditional Intrinsic value meaning 3 Tourism Legislation and Regulation Passports visas Visa Waivers Spending requirements Bhutan 250 per day Tourist access restrictions Protected area permit India 4 Tourism Operations Gov t owned airlines Most government owned airlines do not survive Gov t owned hotel chains 5 Tourism Development Stimulation and Control Stimulate investment Tax holiday deferred payment of taxes Low interest loans reduce interest project must pay Forgivable loans loans may all part of loan if certain conditions are met Tariff remission removes import duties on goods required for a project Equity participation gov t buys equity shares stock in a project

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WSU HBM 235 - Tourism Policy and Organizations

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